Chapter 412 Can't Say

Chapter 413

"What?" Qi Rongyue asked.

"Tell him, you are Tian Yu, his own sister."

In the darkness, tears glistened in those clear eyes, and she shook her head: "I can't say, the reason why Tianqi can persevere until now is because of a hatred, the bone-biting hatred for Chu Lian, if I let him know If he is alive, this bone-biting hatred will be greatly weakened, and his desire for revenge and restoration of power will no longer be so strong, I can't take risks."

Jian Yun let out a long sigh, and patted Qi Rongyue's shoulder lightly: "Go to bed early, don't think too much, you still have Master, and Zhongwen, and now you have Tianqi, you must take care of your body, Let not the weight of vengeance wear you down."

Qi Rongyue nodded, forced a smile and said, "I know, thank you master!"

Jian Yun nodded, said nothing, got up and left the room.

In the dark, Qi Rongyue couldn't fall asleep for a long time. Ever since she learned the news of the new emperor's death that day, she hadn't had a peaceful night's sleep. Even if Tian Qi returned to her side alive, she was still afraid every day. She was afraid that something would happen to Tianqi, afraid that she would not be able to protect him with her strength, and afraid that everything they had planned would come to naught in the end, and that it would not only be her and Tianqi's lives that would be involved.

There was a slight sound from the window frame. She turned her head and saw the familiar figure rushing into the room with that familiar movement.

She didn't move, just looking at the familiar handsome face with the faint moonlight pouring in from the window, feeling a lot of guilt welling up in her heart.

He sat by the bed, held her cool hand, kissed her on the lips, and said with a smile: "If you stay up so late, are you waiting for me?"

She also laughed: "If I say no, will you be angry?"

"Of course, I miss you all day long, but you don't miss me, can I not be angry?" He squeezed her little hand, pulled her hard, and pulled half of her body into his arms, lightly Patting her on the back, he lowered his head and whispered in her ear: "With me here, I will be there for everything. I will take good care of Tianqi. He will definitely come back alive and bring the Black Cavalry back to Chu Palace."

She clutched the clothes on his chest tightly, tears fell on his chest, and choked up: "Not only him, but also you, you all have to come back alive, I can't lose him, and I can't lose you either!"

He nodded, and lightly kissed the top of her hair, tender, affectionate, with deep nostalgia and reluctance for her, how could he be willing to leave such a girl?

Even if we have no choice but to leave, it is also for a better reunion in the future.

"Molten Moon—"


"When this matter is over, you will marry me, okay?"

"it is good!"

"Give me a bunch of fat boys, okay?"

"it is good!"

"We'll never be apart again, okay?"

"it is good!"

"I'm not leaving tonight, okay?"

"Well—er, what did you say?"

Before she could react, her body had already been pressed down by him, and the hot and wet kisses came overwhelmingly. She didn't even have time to react, she was already dizzy from her kisses, and her mind went blank.

His kiss was very passionate, but always restrained. There were many things he wanted to do, but in the end he didn't do anything. He exhausted all his self-control to suppress the gushing heat.

He hugged her sideways, with a deep and hoarse voice: "Don't move, dear—"

She didn't move, didn't want to move, and didn't dare to move.

Her breathing gradually became even. With him around, she felt much more at ease, and finally fell into a deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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