Chapter 416 Master Gucci
Chapter 417

Min Hengzhi was secretly delighted, and asked again: "I heard that the prince brought many famous paintings from the palace, but is it true?"

Chu Tianxin nodded: "It's true. They are all in this warehouse. There are many. Last time, my father asked me to choose two pictures. I didn't care about these, so I didn't go."

He glanced at the three major locks hanging on the warehouse door, and said with a smile: "The lock is so tight, even if a thief sees it, he might not dare to go in and steal it!"

Chu Tianxin was amused by him: "Do you know why there are no guards guarding the warehouse door?"

Min Hengzhi shook his head: "I don't know, why?"

Chu Tianxin smiled and said: "Because there are very powerful organs in this warehouse, if a thief enters it, he will surely die. There is no need for someone to guard it, and no one can take things away from it."

Min Hengzhi shook his head: "So powerful? I don't believe it!"

Chu Tian said hurriedly: "Have you heard of Master Gu Qi?"

Min Hengzhi thought for a while, then nodded: "I've heard that the master of the mechanism, the mechanism he made is very exquisite, unless it is himself, no one can enter or come out alive."

He raised his eyebrows and asked, "You mean, the mechanism in the warehouse was made by Master Gu Qi?"

Chu Tian was very pleased with himself, and nodded quickly: "That's him."

Min Hengzhi deliberately showed disbelief on his face: "Impossible, I heard that Master Gu Qi quit his job five years ago and disappeared from the rivers and lakes."

Chu Tianxin snorted, and said: "That is for others, my father asked him to do it, how dare he not do it?"

The admiration for her father is clearly revealed between the lines.

Min Hengzhi asked again: "So, he is in the capital now?"

"Of course, my royal father still has important things for him to do. How dare he leave before finishing?"

"But I heard that Master Gu Qi is a very personable person. He will not be easily threatened by others. How did the prince do it?"

Chu Tianxin smiled brightly, seemingly innocent, but in Min Hengzhi's eyes, it made people feel disgusted: "What's the problem? Everyone has weaknesses. My father's weakness is me, and my weakness It's you, Master Gu Qi has a son, and his son is his weakness! As long as you take care of this weakness, are you afraid that he will be disobedient?"

It seems that Chu Lian really dotes on this daughter and tells her everything. I am afraid that when Chu Lian murdered the first emperor and Tian Yu, Chu Tianxin also contributed a lot.

Thinking of this, he hated Chu Lian and Chu Tianxin more and more.

He didn't want to stay in this Prince Lian's mansion for a moment, and he didn't want to see the woman in front of him for a moment.

"It suddenly occurred to me that I had something urgent to do, so I went back first, and I will come to see you another day." Min Hengzhi said goodbye to Chu Tianxin, and he no longer looked at her.

Chu Tian only thought that he was really in a hurry, and didn't think much about it, he just sent him outside the door in person, seeing his handsome back completely disappeared from his eyes, he still refused to go back.

Seeing Lian'er at the side, she said with a smile: "Princess, everyone is far away, no matter how long your neck is, I'm afraid you won't be able to see it."

Chu Tian's face was blushing, he gave Lian'er a sideways look, and said angrily: "You are the only one who is talkative, let's go, go back."

Seeing the princess happy, Lian'er was also very happy. Finally, she didn't have to listen to the princess's wailing and sighing all day long, and she didn't have to speak and act cautiously.

But, why did she feel that His Royal Highness King Jin looked at the princess in a strange way?Is she too suspicious?
(End of this chapter)

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