Chapter 417 Weaknesses
Chapter 418

What Chu Tianxin said is correct, everyone has weaknesses, and Chu Lian, who seems to be dense but not sparse, also has a fatal weakness, Chu Tianxin.

It just so happens that Min Hengzhi is Chu Tianxin's weakness again!
Through a secret investigation, Min Hengzhi quickly determined the place where Master Gu Qi's son was being held by Chu Lian.

Min Hengzhi falsely claimed that Jincheng had urgent matters to deal with. After leaving the city that day, he secretly returned to Beijing at night, sneaked into a secret mansion in the west of Beijing, rescued him, and sent him out of the city overnight. Master Gucci rendezvous outside the city.

Master Gu Qi handed him a letter: "As long as you follow the secret path on this letter, you won't touch the organ. It doesn't matter if you accidentally touch the organ. If you find someone and lie down, you won't touch it." There is a hidden weapon that hurts you. When the hidden weapon stops, you rush to the bottom of the south wall as fast as you can. There is a hidden button in the middle of the third brick from the bottom of your feet. Just press the button, and all the organs will be activated. Temporarily stop for an hour, and it will start again after an hour. At that time, if you haven't found what you want, you need to press this button again, but you must remember that this button can be pressed three times at most. !"

Min Hengzhi nodded: "I understand, you go, go all the way south, change your surname from now on, don't let people know that you are Master Gu Qi, otherwise, Chu Lian will never let you go!"

Master Gu Qi left with his son, and a generation of masters with hidden weapons disappeared in the Jianghu and gradually became unknown.

Strike while the iron is hot, Min Hengzhi sneaked into Prince Lian's mansion before Chu Lian returned to the mansion today. With his superb skills and familiarity with Prince Lian's mansion, he easily got out of the heavily guarded warehouse.

This is all thanks to Chu Tianxin, if it wasn't for her, this matter would not have gone so smoothly, if Chu Lian knew, it would be his precious daughter who betrayed him unintentionally. . .

Based on his understanding of Chu Lian, Chu Lian would never use the concealed weapon of Master Gu Qi alone in the warehouse. He is extremely cunning, and outside such an important warehouse, there is not even a guard. Obviously, he consciously The defense inside is enough, so there is no need for guards.

Master Gu Qi gave him a magical key, which can open any lock. The three big locks were all opened in a short while. He did not push the door immediately, but took out the night pearl, and carefully checked the crack of the door and the doorknob. There are foreign objects.

Sure enough, the silk thread tied together was found on the two doorknobs, and it is really hard to see if you don't look carefully.

As long as he pushes the door rashly, the mechanism will definitely be triggered. At that time, even if he has the ability to avoid this hidden weapon, he may also alarm the guards in the mansion. Then the purpose of stealing the painting tonight will not be achieved. It is even more difficult.

The method of tying fine silk threads is very special, not the usual method. Fortunately, when Chu Tianxin was in Jincheng, he gave him a purse embroidered by himself, and he wanted to put it on for him himself. That was what Chu Tianxin used at that time. A special kind of binding method.

He didn't intend to see it at the time, but he didn't expect it to come in handy now.

Untie the silk thread, gently push open the door, and enter with the bead, according to the directions detailed in Master Gu Qi's handbook, successfully avoid all the hidden boxes that can touch the mechanism, come to the bottom of the south wall, and touch the hidden button , press lightly, and after hearing a rattling sound in the room, there is no more sound in the warehouse.

He took out a piece of gravel picked up on the road from his bosom, and threw it towards the hidden box of the mechanism, as expected, no hidden weapon of the mechanism was activated.

(End of this chapter)

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