Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 419 The result is naturally death

Chapter 419 The result is naturally death
Chapter 420

"What is this?" He frowned and asked the guard beside him in a deep voice.

The guard hurriedly picked up the stones on the ground, his face was pale, how could there be stones here?This is absolutely impossible!
"Immediately count the calligraphy and paintings in the warehouse." Chu Lian looked gloomy, looking at the dumbfounded guards coldly.

Idiots, they are all idiots, and they don't even know that someone has sneaked into the palace, so what's the use of raising this group of idiots?
Two hours later, the head of the guards cautiously approached Chu Lian: "My lord, I have already counted everything, there is nothing missing, not one picture is missing."

All the calligraphy and paintings are registered in the register. It is impossible for them to compare every calligraphy and painting with the register in such a short period of time. They just checked the approximate number and the total number is correct. Naturally, they will not go to check again carefully , if the detection is wrong, who died?

Chu Lian frowned: "There are many calligraphy and paintings? Then what is this man trying to do by sneaking into the warehouse?"

The guard leader said: "Xu is a thief who wants to steal gold and silver. Seeing that there is nothing he wants here, he left on his own."

Chu Lian turned his cold eyes to the guard, and said angrily, "Is that how you see it?"

The head of the guard shrank his neck and dared not answer, but Chu Lian was extremely disappointed in him, he couldn't bear to keep such a stupid person by his side.

Chu Lian winked at the shadow guard at the side. The shadow guard's body moved slightly, and his slender figure flew to the head of the guard. Before the other party could react, the cold dagger pierced his chest. He didn't even have time to howl, and he fell limp to the ground, only breathing out, not in.

Chu Lian asked another guard, "Tell me why someone sneaked into the warehouse but didn't take anything away!"

Seeing the boss's tragic death, the guard naturally didn't dare to say the same thing as the boss. After thinking quickly in his heart, he said in a trembling voice: "One, that person must be looking for something, but when he came in, I found out that the mechanism inside is too powerful, so, I ran away again!"

Chu Lian frowned, his face became more and more gloomy, the shadow guard stepped forward again, and another life ended in his hands.

Chu Lian once again turned his attention to the guards present, and pointed casually: "You tell me!"

The guard was so frightened that his legs trembled and he couldn't utter a complete sentence, so he died naturally.

Of the eight guards, seven have died, and the last one is the youngest one. The young man's complexion is pale, but his eyes are not as perplexed as the others.

He said to Chu Lian: "My lord, I guess this person is the one who rescued Master Gu Qi and his son. He got the secret of closing the mechanism from Master Gu Qi, and he can walk freely in this warehouse. Obviously, he is not looking for money. He came here, he wanted to find something, but unfortunately there was nothing here, so before he left, he restored the place to its original state, making it impossible for people to notice that he had been here, but unfortunately, he failed to restore the place to its original state. The asking stone was taken away, and this allowed us to discover traces of his presence."

Chu Lian's cold face finally eased, and he looked at the young man in front of him with curiosity: "What's your name? How long have you been in the palace?"

The young man hurriedly said: "Li Ku, the villain, has been in the mansion for two years!"

Chu Lian nodded: "That's right, he is a plastic material, and he will stay by my king's side from now on."

Li Ku hurriedly knelt down on one knee, with joy on his face, cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, my lord, for your promotion!"

(End of this chapter)

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