Chapter 420 Li Ku
Chapter 421

However, the moment Chu Lian turned around, the joy on Li Ku's face gradually dissipated, and a icy glint appeared in his eyes. He got up silently, followed Chu Lian, and left the warehouse.

Back in the study room where the matter was discussed, Chu Lian asked someone to call the butler of the palace.

"Have any suspicious people entered or left the palace in the past few days?" Chu Lian asked.

The housekeeper thought for a while and said, "During the few days when you were not at the mansion, no one else has been to the mansion except King Jin."

Chu Lian frowned: "What is he here for?"

The housekeeper said: "The king of Jin came to visit the princess, and the two of them wandered around the garden for a while, and they still——"

"Speak directly if you have something to say!" Chu Lian's voice gradually sank.

The steward said: "Princess brought King Jin to the study to drink tea, but she went out again after a while. After that, King Jin left the palace and never came again."

Chu Lian turned to look at the guard on the other side: "Go and check, see what he has done these days and who he has met with."

The guard turned and went out, Chu Lian said to the butler again: "Go and ask the princess to come over and say that I have something to ask her."

After a while, Chu Tianxin came to the study with brisk steps, seeing his father's pale face, he hurriedly asked, "Father, what happened?"

Chu Lian waved his hand and said, "Sit first."

After Chu Tianxin sat down, Chu Lian asked bluntly, "Did Min Hengzhi come here the day before yesterday?"

Chu Tianxin blushed slightly, and said with a light smile, "Well, Hengzhi came to see me and brought me a snack from Baiweizhai."

Seeing that his daughter was happy, Chu Lian naturally softened his voice a little: "What did he tell you?"

Chu Tianxin stared at Chu Lian with wide eyes: "Father, why do you ask people these things? This is a secret between Hengzhi and me, so people don't tell you."

Chu Lian was helpless, and asked again: "Has he acted abnormally?"

Chu Tianxin shook his head: "Abnormal behavior? No, he doesn't look abnormal at all, just the same as usual."

"Father, what happened? Why are you asking me this?"

Chu Lian said: "Xin'er, Master Gu Qi's son was rescued, Master Gu Qi also disappeared, and someone sneaked into the warehouse of our palace. Fortunately, nothing was lost, but the housekeeper said that only Min Hengzhi has been here these days." Our palace, that's why I asked you to inquire about the situation, there is no other meaning."

Chu Tianxin widened his eyes and said, "So, you suspect it's Hengzhi?"

Chu Lian shook his head: "I'm not targeting him, it's just that he came so coincidentally that I have to be suspicious."

Chu Tian stood up with a huff, and said angrily, "Father, he is your future son-in-law. How can you doubt your own son-in-law? If you doubt him, you doubt me."

Seeing her daughter's appearance, Chu Lian hurriedly comforted her: "Don't worry, I just ask you, if you say no, you don't have it, okay?"

Chu Tian didn't agree: "He didn't. He just came to talk to me and said he wanted to taste the tea I cooked. That's all. He didn't ask anything else. You can't wrong a good person."

Chu Lian kept nodding: "Okay, okay, my father promises you that I will never wrong a good person. If he has not done something, I will definitely not rely on him."

After Chu Tianxin left Chu Lian's study, he stumbled all the way to the Shuangxin Pavilion. It turned out that he came to the palace that day for a purpose. He first lured her into her father's study, and then inquired about the warehouse. , she foolishly told him all about Master Gu Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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