Chapter 421 Routines
Chapter 422

She was still so complacent at the time, heh - it's really ridiculous, every word he said was a trick and a trap.

But she couldn't tell her father this, otherwise, her father would never spare him, and might even kill him.

She can't lose Perseverance, absolutely not.

In the evening, all the people sent out had returned, and the guards reported to Chu Lian: "My lord, my subordinates have already checked. After King Jin came to Beijing, he first went to the inspector's office to discuss business matters with Mr. Zuo, and then came directly to Prince Lian's mansion. I begged to see the princess, stayed in the mansion for an hour and a half and returned to the mansion, and then I never came out again, and returned to Jincheng the next day, with the footsteps of King Jin, I will be able to reach Jincheng tomorrow morning."

King Lian's brows were not loosened, and the seemingly flawless whereabouts made him feel even more suspicious, but he couldn't hold him in the slightest.

"This king has sent someone to send a letter to Jincheng. If King Jin returns to Jincheng tomorrow morning, then there is no need to waste time on him. If he does not return to the city tomorrow morning, then continue to investigate until his identity is found out." flaw."

"Yes! This subordinate understands." The guard exited the study room, and Chu Lian was the only one left in the huge study room. He looked around and saw that the bookshelves were neat and tidy, without any mess, and there was nothing missing. Who is the person who took nothing away, and what exactly does he want?
After the fake King Jin returned to the city, he went straight back to the Prince Jin Mansion, and never came out again. On the second day, Min Hengzhi sneaked into Jin City in the appearance of a commoner, and then the cronies of the Prince Jin Mansion secretly responded, and returned to the Palace under the guise of delivering food. After changing into clothes, he went out for a stroll, got rid of the people who were secretly following him, and sneaked to Rongyu Hall.

Rongyu Hall was open as usual, Xueer came down from upstairs, and whispered to Qi Rongyue, Qi Rongyue immediately speeded up the speed of diagnosis and treatment, quickly dismissed several patients in the hall, and then closed the hall. The door closed.

Rongyu Hall has often closed its doors recently, and the people outside are not surprised. They only said that Miss Qi had exhausted a lot of energy to treat the refugees outside the city and hadn't recuperated.

"Is it this painting?" Qi Rongyue asked Chu Tianqi.

Chu Tianqi shook his head: "I don't know either, I've never seen it, I just heard my father mentioned that there is a special mark left by him in the painting, and only he knows that mark, and he planned to put it on my ten feet. The painting will be given to me on my birthday, only three days away, only three days away—" Thinking of this, Chu Tianqi clenched his fists again, clenched his teeth, and his eyes were full of hatred.

Qi Rongyue patted him on the shoulder, took the painting and looked at it carefully, the more she looked at it, the more surprised she was: "I think it's this painting." She pointed to the purple butterfly in the painting and said: "The queen—oh, I am It is said that the queen’s name is Purple Butterfly, and every scene and object in this painting are all in ink color, but this butterfly is purple, which is also the only color in this painting, the emperor must remember this.”

Chu Tianqi nodded: "It makes sense." He looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar scene in the painting and said, "But what secret is hidden in this painting?"

Qi Rongyue placed the painting on top of the bright lamp, looked after it for a long time and then shook her head: "There is no interlayer in the painting!"

She removed the wooden rollers on both sides of the scroll, and there was no foreign matter in the rollers. It seemed like an ordinary calligraphy and painting without any secrets.

Min Hengzhi said: "Your Majesty, Mingrui, will definitely not hide the secret in an easy-to-find place. If you can find it at will, how can Chu Lian miss it?"

(End of this chapter)

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