Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 425 Disciple of Miracle Doctor Xue

Chapter 425 Disciple of Miracle Doctor Xue
Chapter 426

Chu Lian is not good at remembering faces, but Yin Yixuan's appearance is so outstanding that it is difficult for him to forget it.

Lord Yin Hou said with a smile: "Forgive me, my lord. It's really wrong to bring Yixuan to my lord without my lord's consent. It's just that this child is stubborn. When I learned that my lord left him the job of compiling the Imperial Academy, I was very grateful in my heart, and clamored to come to the palace to thank you, so Xiaguan dared to bring him here."

Chu Lian smiled lightly, looked Yin Yixuan up and down with his sharp eyes, and said: "Sure enough, he is a man trained by Yin's family. His eyes and body are very bookish, and the Imperial Academy is the most suitable."

"Thank you, my lord, for taking care of me!" Yin Yixuan saluted respectfully. Out of the corner of his eyes, he secretly sized up Chu Lian. When he saw that he was sitting upright, his brows were slightly frowned, and there was a corner of gray thin mattress exposed in his eyes on the desk, he knew that he was himself. The guess is correct, and I feel at ease.

Chu Lian and Yin Yixuan had a few words of politeness, and then they discussed business matters with Lord Yin Hou. When the business talk was almost over, Lord Yin Hou was about to stand up and leave, but Yin Yixuan took the first step and said to Chu Lian: "Your Majesty, I heard that your right leg is broken. I was injured in my early years, but I haven't fully recovered, and I feel unbearable pain every rainy day, is there such a thing?"

Lord Yin Hou's complexion changed slightly, and he angrily scolded Yin Yixuan: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Chu Lian's eyes were fixed on Yin Yixuan, he raised his hand to stop Lord Yin Hou, and said softly, "Let him speak!"

Lord Yin Houye is a smart man, when Yin Yixuan mentioned this matter suddenly, he immediately knew what was going on in his heart, and kept winking at Yin Yixuan to tell him not to continue.

But Yin Yixuan just pretended he didn't see it, and said clearly and honestly: "My lord, you must have sought many doctors over the years, but you haven't been able to cure this leg disease, right?"

Chu Lian nodded: "That's right, even Doctor Luo Yu, who is in charge of the Royal Hospital, can't cure my leg disease. Doctor Luo said that there is only one person in the world who can cure my leg disease. disciple."

Chu Lian sighed: "But no one knows who and where Miracle Doctor Xue's single-handed disciple is, or even the age of the man or woman, so there is no way to find it!"

Yin Yixuan smiled and said: "My lord, you can't find the single disciple of Miracle Doctor Xue, but it doesn't mean that there is no one in this world who can cure your leg disease."

Chu Lian raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean, do you know someone who can cure the king's leg disease?" His face seemed calm and he didn't care about anything, but there was a little expectation in his heart, his leg disease troubled him For many years, he suffered from severe pain every rainy day. Although he could bear the pain, he still hoped for the possibility of healing.

Yin Yixuan said: "There is indeed such a person, the prince must have heard of her name, her name is Qi Rongyue, and she opened a medical clinic called Rongyutang in Jincheng, her medical skills are very good, everyone in Jincheng knows , everyone knows that when my grandfather was plagued by a serious illness and almost died, she arrived in time and rescued him, and Mrs. Zheng Sandang, who suffered from a stroke for three years and was paralyzed for three years, was treated by Qi Rongyue. She is already able to get out of bed and walk, her medical skills are superb, the prince may give it a try."

This is not the first time that Chu Lian heard Qi Rongyue's name, the last time he heard it, he thought she was an ordinary medical girl and didn't take it too seriously, but when he heard it again this time, he felt something unusual.

It seems that this Qi Rongyue is not simple!

(End of this chapter)

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