Chapter 426
Chapter 427

"Then where is Qi Rongyue now?" Chu Lian asked.

Yin Yixuan hurriedly said: "Go back to my lord, she is in Jincheng, she came to the capital a while ago, you know, my lord, she also went to the palace at the request of King Jin, and returned to Jincheng after curing Zheng Santang. "

Chu Lian looked at Yin Yixuan with a half-smile: "You know Qi Rongyue's whereabouts so well, it seems that the relationship between you is unusual!"

When Lord Yin Hou heard this, his heart was broken, and he hurriedly said: "My lord misunderstood, Yixuan and her are just—"

"It's really unusual." Yin Yixuan cut off Lord Yinhou's words and said, "My lord, she used to be my fiancée."

"Was it?" Chu Lian raised his eyebrows.

Yin Yixuan nodded: "That's right, it used to be. She and I have divorced now, but I will never forget her and hope to continue our relationship with her."

Yin Yixuan suddenly knelt down and said to Chu Lian: "My lord, if Rongyue can cure your leg disease, please ask your lord to be the master for us and help us!"

Chu Lian looked at Lord Yin Hou with his eyes, and when he saw Lord Yin Hou's pale face, he knew something in his heart. It must be that the Yin family disliked Qi Rongyue's lack of background, so they broke up the pair of mandarin ducks.

Chu Lian has never been a soft-hearted person. Seeing Yin Yixuan's depressing look on his face, as well as his obsession with the one he loves, he thought of how he was when he was young. Wasn't it the same for him back then? ?

Back then, didn't he also exhaust all these scheming, and finally hugged the beauty back?

It's a pity that King Xiang has always had a dream, and the goddess has no heart. His love is empty for others.

Thinking of this, the blood in his chest suddenly boiled, and he said to Yin Yixuan: "Okay, I promise you, as long as Qi Rongyue can cure my leg disease, I will marry you both."

Yin Yixuan was overjoyed, but he still didn't lose his mind, and said: "My lord, please keep this matter a secret for now, don't let Rongyue know, I'm afraid of her - she has scruples!"

Chu Lian nodded: "I understand, I will do what you want!"

Chu Lian thought for a while, and then said: "Since she is in Jincheng now, I will send you to pick her up to Beijing."

Yin Yixuan was overjoyed, this was exactly what he hoped for, he never expected that Prince Lian would be so understanding.

Since coming out of Prince Lian's mansion, Lord Yinhou's face has been gloomy and uncertain. After all, he is not his own son. It is not convenient to say words that are too serious, and he can't express his anger if the training is too light. He has been stalemate and stayed. In the carriage, Yin Yixuan said: "Uncle, although my nephew is wrong, please forgive me, uncle."

Lord Yin raised his brows, and said in a deep voice, "Forgive me? How do you ask me to forgive you? How do you ask me to explain to your parents when you make decisions like this without authorization? You are determined to marry a medical girl as your wife. Where is the face?"

Yin Yixuan said: "Uncle, marrying a wife is a lifelong event. If I marry a woman I don't like, the final result will be a restless family. What good will it do for me in Wenchang Marquis Mansion? Besides, Rong Yue is not ordinary. You have seen the doctor girl, she is not an ordinary girl, if she is willing to marry me, it will be a blessing that I have cultivated for eight lifetimes."

Lord Yin Hou snorted: "But you also know in your heart that she doesn't want to. Without you in her heart, she doesn't want to marry you at all. Otherwise, why would you take this step? If you do this, even if you get her She will never win her heart!" Although he has not had much contact with Qi Rongyue, he still knows a little bit about her temperament. This woman looks delicate and weak, but in fact she has a strong temper and is extremely assertive. Absolutely He is not someone who will easily bow to fate and power.

(End of this chapter)

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