Chapter 427 Self-discipline
Chapter 428

There was a trace of pain on Yin Yixuan's handsome face, followed by a stubborn persistence: "Whether I can get her heart or not is a matter for the future, and who can say clearly about the future?" He must get her first. People, otherwise, she will become someone else's people.

Lord Yin Hou tried to persuade him again, but was stopped by Yin Yixuan's few words. He knew that it was useless to say anything, so he simply went back to his house and wrote a letter to Pengcheng to let his second brother and his wife figure out a way. After all, it was not his own. Son, it's useless to care too much, someone has to listen!
What's more, Yixuan has always been a person with ideas, and few people can change what he decides.

After returning from Prince Lian's mansion, Yin Yixuan immediately asked Si Yuan to pack his things and rushed to Jincheng that afternoon.

At the same time, the people sent by King Lian's mansion to Jincheng also came back and reported all the whereabouts of King Jin in Jincheng to King Lian one by one.

"My lord, the King of Jin goes to Riliang Mountain to train troops every day. Sometimes he returns to the city in the evening, and sometimes he doesn't go back to the city at all. He just stays in Qiliangshan at night. He doesn't have much contact with the county officials of Xinyang Prefecture. When he is in the city, he is very Don't go out less, Lord Wang or Lord Zheng will come to discuss matters in the government office in person."

"Did you meet anyone suspicious?" Chu Lian asked.

The guard shook his head: "No, Prince Jin is very self-disciplined."

Everything seems to have nothing to do with him, but why is there still some uneasiness in his heart?Still can't believe him?

Is it because he once betrayed his elder brother, so he is afraid that Min Hengzhi will betray his heart again?

Is it because of this?

Thinking of Tianxin, his silly daughter, who loves Min Hengzhi wholeheartedly, if he is not good for Min Hengzhi, wouldn't Tianxin die of grief?

Forget it, let's just think it's for my daughter!
"Withdraw all the people in Jincheng, and stop following King Jin!" Chu Lian ordered.


Chu Lian wrote another letter and asked the guards to take it to Jincheng, saying: "Give the letter to King Jin!"

Three days later, Jincheng.

As soon as Yin Yixuan entered the city, he came directly to Rongyu Hall. It was already evening and there were no patients in the hall. He strode in and saw Qi Rongyue sitting behind the consultation table, whispering with a young man What, didn't seem to notice his arrival.

Xue'er at the other end saw Yin Yixuan's figure, and hurriedly shouted: "Young Master Yin? Why are you here?"

Hearing Xueer's call, Chu Tianqi, who was sitting opposite Qi Rongyue, was about to turn around, Qi Rongyue hurriedly said, "Don't look back, go to the clinic and wait for me."

Chu Tianqi understood, and hurriedly went to the clinic with his head half down.

Yin Yixuan frowned and looked at the thin back. This back was so familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it.

Qi Rongyue said softly: "Mr. Yin is here to see a doctor? If he is to see a doctor, please come back tomorrow, Rongyu Hall is closing."

Yin Yixuan smiled lightly, walked forward, his handsome eyes fixed on the delicate face in front of him, finally saw her again, finally!
"Can the medical center be closed? If I have an emergency, will I have to wait until tomorrow to be treated? Then you doctors, don't you want to save me?"

Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows: "Mr. Yin has an emergency?"

Yin Yixuan nodded: "Urgent, very urgent! It's not me, it's Prince Lian."

Her complexion changed slightly: "What did you say?"

Yin Yixuan said: "King Lian sent me to invite you to Beijing to treat his leg disease."

Her heart was beating wildly, this was her chance, this was the chance she had been waiting for, the day she had been waiting for had finally arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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