Chapter 428 Desperate

Chapter 429

Even though she was extremely excited, her face remained calm: "Why me?" she asked.

Yin Yixuan said with a smile: "Your reputation as a miracle doctor has been spread from Jincheng to Kyoto, so what's so strange about you?"

"Then why are you here to invite me?" she asked again.

Yin Yixuan said: "Prince Lian knows about our relationship, so he deliberately fulfilled my wish."

She understood it, it seemed that she was able to go to Prince Lian's mansion because of his efforts, and the purpose was naturally very clear.

"What if I don't go?" She looked coldly at Yin Yixuan in front of her, feeling that he had changed, becoming less and less like the modest young man she had seen before.

Yin Yixuan took out a handbook with the seal of King Lian from his pocket, and put it in front of her: "Although King Lian is still King Lian, he will soon be the monarch of the Chu Dynasty. His handbook is here. Here, whether you want it or not, it's all up to you." He smiled lightly, his eyes were like fire, burning with his hot emotions, he knew that she would definitely agree, because she has always been a smart woman, very smart.

Therefore, she will not joke about her life.

What's more, being able to enter Prince Lian's mansion to treat Prince Lian's illness is an honor for many doctors, and he thought she would not refuse it.

Yes, she will not refuse, this is the opportunity she has been waiting for, how can she refuse?

"Okay, I promise you, but I want to say goodbye to my friends and leave tomorrow afternoon."

Yin Yixuan naturally understood who she was talking about as a friend, and his heart was suddenly displeased, the smile on his face became colder: "Prince Lian ordered that we need to enter Beijing as soon as possible without any mistakes. I'm afraid we will be on our way tonight."

Xue'er at the side felt more shameful the more she heard it, and shouted: "Young Master Yin, it's already dark now, even if you leave the city, you still can't make it. Why can't you wait until tomorrow?"

Yin Yixuan frowned and said, "If I say no, then I won't. I'll leave now, immediately."

He didn't want her to have the chance to meet Zheng Zhongwen, not even for a moment.

Xue'er was about to say more, but Qi Rongyue waved her hand: "Forget it, you go and clean up, we will set off right away."

Only then did Yin Yixuan's cold and hard face soften, and he nodded and said, "Okay!"

Qi Rongyue pointed to the diagnostic room, and said: "My patient is still waiting for me to give him an acupuncture treatment. It won't take long, and it takes as long as a stick of incense."

Yin Yixuan nodded, walked to the empty waiting area and sat down: "Okay, I'll wait for you!" As long as he didn't meet Zheng Zhongwen, he was willing to wait as long as he wanted.

Qi Rongyue got up, without looking at him again, she turned and went into the clinic.

Chu Tianqi, who had been hiding behind the door and eavesdropping, saw her coming in, and hurriedly said, "Are you really going to Prince Lian's Mansion?"

She took Chu Tianqi's hand and sat down, and said in a low voice: "I must go to Prince Lian's Mansion, and I have always wanted to go, and finally I have the opportunity, why not?"

"Prince Lian's mansion is heavily guarded, and Chu Lian is extremely suspicious. Even if you go, you may not be able to do anything."

Qi Rongyue shook her head and said with a smile: "Brother Qi, you underestimate me, don't worry, I will take care of myself, you sleep in my room tonight, if Zhong Wen comes, just tell him not to I am in a hurry, I will act carefully, I think that soon after, King Lian will allow him to visit relatives in Beijing, and then I will find an opportunity to go out to meet him and let him wait for me in the private room on the top of the Crane Tower."

No matter how reluctant and worried Chu Tianqi was, he couldn't change this fact. He only hated that he was young and weak, that he couldn't protect her with his own strength, which made her constantly take risks for his sake.

(End of this chapter)

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