Chapter 430
Chapter 431

Yin Yixuan looked anxious: "The momentum is not good, don't be afraid, I will protect you—" Before he could finish his sentence, he heard a soft "poof" sound behind him, hot blood splashed on his cheeks, and he hurriedly turned his head , Watching a bandit falling limply, the direction of the knife he held in his hand was exactly where he was.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Rongyue stepped out of the carriage, jumped out of the carriage, pulled out the dagger from the man's chest, and said lightly to Yin Yixuan: "No need, you take care of yourself."

It's not the first time Yin Yixuan saw her kill someone, but she was still very shocked. She did everything so casually, taking people's lives with the snap of her fingers. It seemed that what she was experiencing was not a life-and-death battle, but an ordinary street life. brawl.

How could he understand that what is so scary about a person who has even experienced death?There are only a few gangsters, if she wants to escape, no one can stop her.

Her appearance immediately attracted the attention of the thieves. A young man with sly eyebrows saw her, and immediately blew a whistle and shouted maliciously: "Boss, there is a beautiful girl here. How about we snatch her back and make the boss Mrs. Yazhai?"

When that big buck tooth looked at Qi Rongyue's appearance, his soul was hooked. He was poor all his life, and he had never been out of the mountains or into the city. When had he seen a girl like this? If heaven.

"Okay, okay, Mrs. Yazhai, I'm going to make a decision, please be careful, don't hurt my wife!"

Yin Yixuan was very anxious, he began to regret, he regretted why he didn't use money to relieve the disaster just now, and he wanted to fight this way, but now, he didn't win the fight, and Rong Yue let them focus on him again, the opponent had a lot of people and power, they This one is no longer an opponent at all.

He rushed forward, grabbed Rong Yue's hand, and said anxiously: "Quick, get on your horse, I'll let them cover you to leave, don't worry about me."

Rong Yue frowned, she is not the Holy Mother, if possible, she really doesn't want to bother with this guy, but she still needs him when she enters Beijing, if he dies here, how will she explain to the people in the Marquis of Wenchang?The matter of entering Prince Lian's mansion may also be abandoned.

She shook her head: "I won't go, you back off, I'll deal with them."

At this time, most of the guards they brought were dead. Although the other party also had casualties, there were still nearly ten people holding weapons and watching her covetously.

Yin Yixuan stopped her: "Don't be brave, they have a lot of people, you are no match for them!" He knew that she had kung fu, and also knew that her kung fu was not deep, it might be enough to deal with one or two reckless people, but in front of him , ten sturdy men, how could she be an opponent?
"It's just a bunch of mobs, you back off." She reached out and pulled Yin Yixuan behind her. The dagger in her hand was inserted into her waist, and she bent down to pick up the long knife that the gangster dropped on the ground. The long knife was not long and heavy, and A weapon that isn't very delicate is naturally not suitable for her.

"Little lady, you are quite bold and have personality, I like it." That girl with big buck teeth and happy eyes from ear to ear, beautiful and personality is not common, and he was very happy in his heart.

"I hate those crying women the most. You are the most suitable to be my Mrs. Yazhai, hahahaha!!"

Qi Rongyue made a backhand gesture to Xue'er, Xue'er understood, and hurriedly said to Yin Yixuan: "Cover your mouth quickly."

Yin Yixuan was taken aback: "What?"

(End of this chapter)

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