Chapter 431 Pig-like teammates
Chapter 432

Xue'er whispered: "Cover your mouth, miss is going to use poison." She had already covered her mouth and nose with a handkerchief, and Si Yuan was standing beside Xue'er. Hurriedly covering his nose and mouth, Yin Yixuan's attention was always on Qi Rongyue, so he was a beat slower to react to Xue'er's words, and it was in this beat that he also inhaled the medicinal powder that Qi Rongyue sprinkled. Not a lot.

She is not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs. Coupled with a sudden headwind, Qi Rongyue really wants to cry without tears. Most of the medicine powder was blown back, only a few people inhaled and passed out. There were still five thugs standing there without moving, and the big buck-tooth smiled and said: "Little lady, what tricks haven't been used yet? You can do it anyway, sir, I will have fun with you today. Let's go back when we're tired from playing, and we'll pay homage tonight to get married."

Qi Rongyue gritted her teeth, and simply raised the saber and went up, using the few saber techniques taught to her by her master, and slashed at the opponent fiercely.

Big Baoya didn't fight directly, but the two brothers beside him raised their swords. They had never really learned martial arts, and they relied on some brute force and skills acquired in actual combat. People teamed up and didn't take advantage of it.

The big buck-tooth looked more and more happy. He didn't expect that this little lady was not only good-looking, but also had a personality, and she was also a practicing family. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. He wished he could marry her in the bridal chamber now.

The two subordinates were defeated and retreated, Big Bucky said to the other two: "You go, I'll see her way again."

These two are the second head and the third head of Wutou Mountain respectively. They have learned kung fu for a few years, and they have some strength in their hands. He wants to see if this little lady can still get benefits under the hands of the second and third. .

The two of them raised their sabers and went up, the saber was so fierce that Qi Rongyue's mouth was numb, but she had to fight with all her strength. Her saber skills were obviously much better than the two of them. If she had to deal with one person, she still had a chance of winning. But right now her opponents are two people, she suffers from lack of strength, and the long knife was chopped off several times by the opponent after several rounds.

She simply took the opportunity to let go of the long knife, and suddenly stepped back a few steps. She flicked her hands around her waist, and when she came out with shaking hands, several golden rays pierced the chest and abdomen of the two fiercely. Although it was not fatal, it could make people They were temporarily paralyzed and unable to move.

The big buck tooth became more and more excited, and said with a smile: "Little lady, I really underestimated you, you really have a lot of backhands, is there any more? Show it."

Qi Rongyue was exhausted enough, her chest was heaving violently continuously, bean-sized beads of sweat appeared on her face, and she didn't have the strength to fight any more.

"You all just want money, I have enough money, I can give it to you." She tried her best to calm her breath, and said with cold eyes.

Big Baoya shook his head: "It's late, if the money had been taken out earlier, why would there be such a fuss? What a pity, it's not about money anymore. I want money and people."

Qi Rongyue said: "Thirty miles away is Qiliang Mountain. There are five thousand fine cavalry stationed there. If you dare to touch me, the King of Jin will immediately bring people to level Wutou Mountain. You must think carefully about what you do." clear."

Big Baoya laughed, obviously not paying attention to Qi Rongyue's words: "Speak harshly, who wouldn't? If you really have the ability to mobilize Liangshan Jingqi, how could you be stopped by me here? You need someone to believe you when you go out.”

(End of this chapter)

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