Chapter 432

Chapter 433

At this moment, Yin Yixuan was already unconscious, and Si Yuan, who was supporting him, saw that the situation was becoming more and more unfavorable, and hurriedly yelled: "She didn't lie, it's true, she is a famous doctor in Jincheng, and this time she was ordered by the regent to go to Beijing for medical treatment." , if the business is delayed, not to mention Wutou Mountain, all of you and the nine clans will not be able to keep it."

Big Baoya is obviously a bloody person. After hearing Si Yuan's words, he didn't feel any fear at all. Instead, he developed a burst of disgust. It's okay not to mention the regent, but when he is mentioned, he is full of anger. place to vent.

"Stop talking nonsense, you can either catch him without a fight, or wait for my uncle to beat you so weak that you can carry it back." Big Baoya said and already showed the guy.

Sure enough, he was a good guy. The shiny long knife seemed to weigh several tens of catties, like an executioner's knife, with a thick and sharp blade, huge in shape and heavy in quality.

A person who can use such a knife obviously has extraordinary skills. Don't say that Qi Rongyue is exhausted now, even in his prime, he is not his opponent.

But she would never do such a thing as admitting defeat and giving up her hands. She will do everything she can to fight to the end.

This is the backbone of the Tian family, and it is impossible to discard it at any time.

She bent over and picked up the long knife that was missing.

On the contrary, the big buck teeth showed appreciation: "Okay, you have backbone, I like women like you, come on, let's compete, don't worry, I will never hurt you."

The beginning of the fight also meant the end. Under his knife, she was captured lightly by him without even taking a single move.

The long knife fell to the ground, and his slender wrist was firmly held by him, and she couldn't break free with all her strength.

"Spicy enough, strong enough, I like it, don't worry, follow me, I promise to make you delicious and spicy, happy forever! Hahahaha——"

The man's wild voice echoed in the valley, Xue'er rushed up to save the lady, but was captured by two other bandits, and together with Yin Yixuan and Si Yuan, they brought them back to the village on Mount Wutou.

Two hours later, there was a sound of trampling horses approaching from far away. Immediately, the young and handsome man saw the abandoned carriage beside the mountain road from a distance, his face suddenly became horrified, and he quickly got off his horse.

This is Rong Yue's carriage, he recognizes it.

He rushed to the carriage, and saw the horse that had been dead for a long time, the blood-stained mess all over the ground, and the corpses of guards everywhere, his heart was beating wildly, the carriage was empty, Rong Yue and Xue'er's luggage was still there, but no one was there.

Sangui was also quite frightened, he walked around among the corpses lying on the ground, and saw a dagger left on the ground, it was very familiar, so he quickly picked it up for a closer look.

"My lord, this is your dagger." Sangui shouted to Zheng Zhongwen.

Zheng Zhongwen rushed forward, the dagger in Sangui's hand was the one he gave to Rong Yue, the dagger was stained with bright red blood and had already dried out.

Sangui said with a pale face: "Young Master, I have long heard that there are bandits haunting Wutou Mountain. They are very fierce and often rob merchants passing by."

Zheng Zhongwen's face was gloomy and ugly. He inserted the dagger into his waist and said, "Go back to Jincheng and inform the King of Jin, and ask him to send someone to suppress the bandits immediately."

Sangui's eyes widened: "Then, what about you?"

Zheng Zhongwen said: "I'm going to save Rongyue, there's no time to delay, you go quickly, I'll be fine."

Sangui knew that persuasion was useless, the son valued Miss Qi more than his own life, now that Miss Qi was killed, he was more anxious than anyone else, how could it be possible to ask him to wait for reinforcements?

(End of this chapter)

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