Chapter 433

Chapter 434

After Sangui left, he got on his horse again and followed the messy footprints to find a hidden path up the mountain. Along the path up the mountain, he met two guards.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Seeing that he had a weapon in his hand, was well dressed, and looked like a rich man, the two guards surrounded him one after the other.

Zheng Zhongwen asked with a smile: "I'm here to collect herbs, I seem to have lost my way, is this the way up the mountain?"

The bandit gave a strange laugh: "I've never seen anyone come to Wutou Mountain to collect medicine. Could it be that you came to the wrong place?"

Zheng Zhongwen snorted: "This is Wutou Mountain! It seems that I really came to the wrong place. I was going to ride Liangshan. Excuse me." He turned around and made a gesture to leave.

The gangster standing behind him stretched out his hand to stop him, and said in a strange way: "Since you're here, is there any reason to leave as soon as you say it?"

Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyebrows: "Then what else?"

The gangster said: "This mountain was opened by my boss, and this tree was planted by my boss. Since you have entered this mountain, you naturally want to keep money to buy roads."

Zheng Zhongwen had a clear look on his face, and said with a smile: "Oh, so it is like this, it should be." He said that he took out two silver notes with a face value of 1000 taels from his arms. For a living, this kind of 1000 double-denomination bank note is still rare to see. When I saw it at this time, my eyes immediately glowed green.

Zheng Zhongwen didn't give it to him immediately, but turned his head to look at the direction halfway up the mountain, and said, "There seems to be the sound of gongs and drums. Is there any happy event on the mountain?"

The gangster was staring at the banknote in his hand, and said casually: "Isn't it just a happy event? Our boss got a fairy-like girl today. She is very satisfied and is about to get married. She will enter the bridal chamber as soon as it gets dark. Ouch... That girl's appearance is really rare and handsome in the world."

Zheng Zhongwen's heart tightened, and the bank note in his hand was immediately squeezed into a ball by him.

The gangster frowned: "What are you doing?"

Zheng Zhongwen punched him on the head and said angrily, "Guess what?"

Seeing this, the other gangster was about to pull out his knife, but he couldn't even pull out half of the knife, so he was kicked by Zheng Zhongwen and passed out.

He tied them to a tree and stuffed their mouths with their respective stinky socks so they wouldn't howl.

"You'd better be honest, if you make me anxious, I will let you fall to the ground immediately."

The writhing bodies of the two of them immediately calmed down, and they did not dare to move again. Their eyes watched him walk away in horror, and then they kept whining, but they couldn't make a louder sound, and they also heard Not out of the woods.

Zheng Zhongwen sneaked out of Wutou Shanzhai on the mountainside, and saw people inside putting a jar of wine on the table in the yard, and big fish and meat were also constantly being served on the table, hanging from the eaves of the simple houses. Dressed in bright red satin, embellished with a touch of festiveness.

A man with buck teeth came out of the house and said to a group of brothers: "Brothers, eat and drink well today, we will not go home until we are drunk."

"It's a great joy for us at Mount Wutou that elder brother embraces a beauty today!"

"Congratulations brother, congratulations brother."

There was also a voice that was different from the celebration. A middle-aged man with a goatee walked up to the leader and said in a low voice: "Boss, the people who were robbed today may really have a lot of background. If they are really alarmed King Jin, once he sends troops, there is a real possibility that our Wutou Mountain will be flattened."

(End of this chapter)

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