Chapter 435 I'm All Right

Chapter 436

He let go of Xue'er, rushed to the bedside, and took out the cloth towel from her mouth with trembling hands, his eyes almost overflowing with distress: "Are you okay?" He pretended to be calm, seemingly calm, but his slightly The trembling hands couldn't untie the rope that tied her hands.

She said: "I'm fine, I'm really fine, use a knife, what they hit is a dead knot." If it wasn't for a dead knot, she would have broken free from the shackles long ago.

Zheng Zhongwen took out the dagger from his waist, and carefully cut the rope with the bright and sharp tip. On the originally white wrist, there were covered with green and red bruises.

"Damn it, I'm going to kill him." His Rong Yue, the girl he held dear to his heart, was actually treated like this by them.

Relieved, Qi Rongyue held down his body as he was about to rush out, and said anxiously: "There are so many of them, it's not appropriate to do anything now, it's best to get out first."

Xue'er also said: "That's right, sir, there are five or sixty people in this village, and we alone are not their opponents at all."

Zheng Zhongwen's rising anger was extinguished a little, he held Qi Rongyue's wrist with one hand, and said: "Go, I will take you out of here."

"No one wants to leave."

As soon as Zheng Zhongwen's voice fell, a tall figure came in from the outside, and the face with big buck teeth that made people spit out the overnight meal suddenly appeared in front of the three of them.

"Little boy, you are quite courageous, you dare to rush up the mountain alone to save people." Big Bucky's hand was already holding the handle of the knife at his waist, and his small eyes were full of fierceness.

Zheng Zhongwen was full of anger and had nowhere to vent his anger, but he came at the right time, and naturally he couldn't let go of a woman who dared to touch him.

He stretched out his hand and pushed Rong Yue and Xue'er a few steps away, saying: "You are also very courageous, you dare to touch my Zheng Zhongwen's woman."

When men want to fight, they don't talk too much, and they draw their swords if they don't agree with each other. In the blink of an eye, the two have fought for nearly ten rounds.

The original arrogance of the big buck teeth was finally replaced by seriousness, and the little boy in front of him was much more difficult than he imagined.

Zheng Zhongwen started practicing martial arts for a while, and his martial arts in the Jianghu are not top-notch, at most they are third-rate, but after Jian Yun's guidance for a while, he has a feeling that he has to meet a famous teacher and the bottleneck is broken. Still, the external force has made a lot of progress. It is not difficult to deal with the big buck teeth, but it will take some time to completely defeat him.

Big Baoya is not a fool. After thirty moves, he knew that he would definitely lose if he continued to fight, so he found an opportunity to leave the room, howled outside, and called all the brothers who were drinking over.

Alcohol can kill people's wisdom, but it can also strengthen people's courage.

Those gangsters, some drank too much and became weak, and some got drunk, so they just wanted to kill people and drink like crazy.

Qi Rongyue took the dagger from Zheng Zhongwen's hand, and protected Xue'er behind her back. The two joined forces to fight against the enemy, turning the originally lively and festive Wutou village into a Rakshasa field full of corpses.

Seeing the brothers fall down one by one, Big Bucky's eyes were red, he took a big knife, and slashed at Zheng Zhongwen desperately.

The most feared encounter in a battle is this kind of desperate Saburo. In their eyes, life and death are no longer important. The important thing is to kill, kill, kill,

Soon, both Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen were covered with paint, and their clothes were stained red with blood. He desperately protected her, and she desperately protected him. In such a chaotic battlefield, the last thing to have is this kind of Caring and entanglement.

There are only three chapters today, the plot is a bit stuck, I have to smooth out my thoughts, judges, don’t worry, I will let you enjoy watching when I am full of ideas.

See you tomorrow, love you~~
(End of this chapter)

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