Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 436 If you kill someone, there will naturally be blood,

Chapter 436 If you kill someone, there will naturally be blood,

Chapter 437

Because of their fetters, they were unable to exert their greatest abilities, and they were about to be overwhelmed by sticks, fists, feet, and sharp knives. Jin Wang appeared on the battlefield like a god descending from the earth, galloping forward with a vigorous figure, far away Throwing the long sword in his hand, he relieved Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen from the imminent danger.

When the reinforcements arrived, the battlefield was quickly brought under control, Da Baoya was captured alive, and only 56 of the [-] bandits were left alive.

Although the two were wounded in many places and were covered in blood, their hands never let go, and they were tightly held together from beginning to end.

Min Hengzhi stood in front of the two, looked at the two people who looked at each other affectionately, but couldn't say a word. It is undeniable that he was very jealous of Zheng Zhongwen, but more, he was envious, envious that he could always have such a child Heart, try your best to love and protect a person.

This is what he didn't do, and he regretted it too much.

In the house in the back row, Si Yuan stood at the door, and had a panoramic view of the battle in the village from the crack of the door. Zheng Shizi and Miss Qi's dependence and affection for each other were so intense and strong, he thought, There is no hope for his son in this life.

There was a sound behind him, he hurriedly turned around, saw that the young master had woken up, and rushed forward to help him up.

"What's wrong with me? Where is this place?" He was a little unconscious and didn't know what happened.

Before Si Yuan could speak, he asked again: "What's the noise outside?"

Si Yuandao: "My lord, we were captured by bandits."

Yin Yixuan looked shocked, and grabbed Si Yuan's hand: "What about Rongyue? She—"

Si Yuan hurriedly said: "She's fine, Zheng Shizi arrived in time to save her, and now King Jin has also brought troops here, and all the bandits have been arrested."

Yin Yixuan felt at ease, but felt very uncomfortable, why is it Zhongwen again, he tried his best to avoid him, why couldn't he?
He pushed the door open, and saw Qi Rongyue, who was covered in blood, bandaging Zheng Zhongwen's wound. He was terrified, and hurried forward: "Rongyue, are you okay? Why, why is there so much blood? Also, and Wound--"

Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows and glanced at him, then said in a low voice, "If you kill someone, you will naturally have blood, and if you are chased and hacked, you will naturally be injured. Is it unusual?"

Zhongwen's injury was more serious than hers, so she naturally had to bandage him to stop the bleeding first.

Zhong Wen said to Yin Yixuan: "We are fine, it's just a skin injury, don't worry!"

Yin Yixuan felt very uncomfortable, the feeling was indescribable, just like the last time in Pengcheng, he watched her fall off the cliff, but he was helpless, and when he thought she was gone, she was rescued by Zhong Wen .

It seems that everything is doomed in the dark!

No, this is a coincidence, just a coincidence!

He didn't say any more, but turned around and walked away, with his back to the two of them, his expression dark.

After the wounds were healed, Min Hengzhi suggested that Qi Rongyue and Yin Yixuan go back to Jincheng first, and it won't be too late to go to Beijing after recuperating.

"No, I can wait, but I can't wait for King Lian's illness. I have to leave immediately, and we must not delay any longer." Yin Yixuan's insistence aroused the dissatisfaction of Min Hengzhi and Zheng Zhongwen. The two were about to fight, but Qi Rongyue said : "Okay, let's start now."

"Rongyue——" she stretched out her hand, covered his lips, tiptoed and kissed his cheek lightly, and her soft voice fell into his ears: "Helping me take care of Brother Qi is equivalent to taking care of me. Be careful, don't worry about me!"

(End of this chapter)

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