Chapter 444
Chapter 445

Zheng Zhongwen said: "Not only is the future of the Chu Dynasty in jeopardy, but the future of our Yongping Marquis Mansion is also unpredictable. You are the commander-in-chief of the twenty armies in Longxi raised by the late emperor. It will only be a matter of time before he takes action against you. If you don't make a decision, the future will be a disaster for our Yongping Hou Mansion."

How could Lord Zheng Hou not know what Zheng Zhongwen said.

Having said this, the blood in his heart has already burned: "Tell me about your plan."

The father and son had a whole afternoon of secret talks in the living room, and after everything was agreed upon, they got up and went to the dining hall together.

Mrs. Zheng Hou waited for them for a long time, but the dish was reheated over and over again. Seeing Zheng Hou Ye coming alone at this time, she couldn't help complaining: "Where is Zhongwen? Why didn't you come with you?"

Lord Zheng Hou said with a smile: "He originally came with me, but he disappeared as he walked, and I don't know where he went."

Mrs. Zheng Hou is not stupid, how can she not understand these things, she couldn't help sighing: "It is often said that a son forgets his mother when he marries a wife, but look at our son, he forgets his wife before he gets married. Mother."

Master Zheng Hou held his wife's hand, and said with a gentle smile, "If he forgets, forget it. Just keep your husband in mind. The child has a child's life, so let him go."

Mrs. Zheng Hou pursed her lips and smiled lightly: "Yes, yes, you knew to protect him, oops - I really want to see this Miss Qi, what kind of character is it that makes these two indomitable men of my family, speak for her."

Lord Zheng Hou said: "Isn't this simple? Zhongwen will stay in the capital for two days. I have already told him that he will bring Miss Qi back tomorrow, so that our family can have a good get-together, so that you can get together like this." The future mother-in-law and daughter-in-law meet each other."

"Tomorrow?" Mrs. Zheng Hou lost her appetite when she saw the table full of dishes: "This is too hasty, I haven't prepared anything, what should I do?"

Master Zheng Hou patted her hand and said with a smile: "There is no need to prepare anything, as long as we treat her sincerely, it is enough."

Mrs. Zheng Hou nodded first, then shook her head: "No, no, what's the use of being sincere, I have to prepare some greetings, no, I'll go to the warehouse to find out now."

Seeing his wife blowing away like the wind, only Marquis Zheng was left in the huge dining hall, he couldn't help but smiled and shook his head: "Mother and son are really of the same temperament, they say the wind is the wind, and the rain is the rain."

After having a long talk with Zhongwen, his heart settled down instead. Since the road has already begun, he must go on. There is no turning back, and there is no need to turn back. For him, this is the right way.

As a minister, you should fulfill your duties as a minister.

To be a human being is to do what a human being should do.

This is the path chosen by his son, and it is also the path he chose. He will definitely go on and not let his son down, nor let the first emperor and the emperor down.

Xingyuan Street

A sneaky black shadow lightly landed on the small courtyard in the narrow alley at the end of Xingyuan Street, avoided the two guards who were chatting in the courtyard, and came to the rear window of the house.

The window was locked from the inside, and he tapped lightly on it.

Qi Rongyue, who was reading a book in the room, looked up at Xue'er who was beside her, Xue'er hurried to the window and asked in a low voice, "Who?"

Zheng Zhongwen uttered the cry of a cuckoo, Xueer's eyes lit up, she turned her head to Qi Rongyue and said, "Miss, it's Zheng Shizi."

Qi Rongyue closed the book, pursed her lips and smiled slightly: "Open it."

(End of this chapter)

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