Chapter 445
Chapter 446

Xue'er giggled and played tricks on purpose: "It's not good, it's getting dark, lonely men and widows, if people find out—"

Qi Rongyue didn't fall for her, she shrugged and said, "That's true, then don't leave."


Xue'er pouted: "Miss is really bad, she won't take any losses."

As she spoke, she opened the window and let Zheng Zhongwen in.

Zheng Zhongwen looked at Xue'er sideways, and said coolly: "Stinky girl, I heard everything."

Xue'er stuck out her tongue at him, ran out with a smile, closed the door outside, went to the kitchen to bring melons, fruits and drinks, and yelled at the girls in the courtyard to eat and drink with the guards.

Sitting under the lamp, Qi Rongyue looked at his slightly haggard face with her beautiful eyes full of autumn water: "Are you tired from the journey?"

He sat down beside her, held her hand, it was soft and cool, and felt a sense of comfort in his heart: "I'm not tired, I won't be tired when I see you." He lowered his head, pressed a kiss on the back of her hand, gently The kiss contained his endless lovesickness.

Her heart trembled slightly, red clouds spread all over her cheeks, she wanted to withdraw her hand, but she couldn't do anything about his confinement.

With a little effort, he gently pulled her into his arms, let her sit on his lap, wrapped around her waist, leaned his head against her neck, and inhaled deeply the fragrance from her neck.

"Miss me?" His voice was low and full of deep affection.

She smiled: "I'm too busy to think about you."

He also laughed: "Bad girl, heartless, I miss you all the time!"

"Didn't I tell you to wait for me in the Crane Tower? Why did you come here? If someone finds out, that would be great?"

He laughed dryly: "I can't wait to see you. Besides, I'm here now, but I have something very important to tell you."

She raised her eyebrows: "Have you told Master Hou about our plan?"

He tapped her forehead and said with a smile: "Don't call me Lord Marquis anymore, but Uncle and Aunt!"

Seeing that she agreed, he said again: "Father has already agreed to join us. From today on, the Marquis of Yongping and even the 20 troops in Longxi will be our support."

She was overjoyed. Although she had expected this result, she was still overjoyed when she heard it with her own ears.

"And—" He kissed her lightly on the cheek, and couldn't help biting her lovely and delicate earlobe, which made her heart itch.

"What else?" She hurriedly turned her head to avoid his teasing.

"Also, my father said, I want you to go to the Marquis Mansion for lunch tomorrow, so that our 'family' can get together!"


She was a little stunned, and looked at him with big eyes: "You just said, we are a family?"

He nodded: "Yes, my father's original words."

"So, he promised us?" She was so surprised that she couldn't believe it was true. She thought they wouldn't agree so quickly.

"Yes, he agreed. Not only him, but also my mother. She also agreed. They said that as long as I like it, they will like it, regardless of their origin and status."

Outliers, definitely outliers.

However, Lord Zheng Hou has always been different. He has only his wife and one woman in his life. Even if this woman can't continue to flourish for him, he has never changed his mind, let alone getting close to other women for the sake of his heirs. .

How can such a man, who values ​​love and righteousness, not understand his son's heart?
(End of this chapter)

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