Chapter 446 Superfluous worries

Chapter 447

It's funny to think about it, those worries before seem to be superfluous.

Lord Zheng Hou is more enlightened than she imagined, and Mrs. Zheng Hou is more generous than she imagined.

He held her in his arms and was reluctant to let go. If possible, he really wanted to be like this, thinking about nothing, doing nothing, and growing old with her quietly.

"Are you okay in Prince Lian's mansion? Did Chu Lian make things difficult for you?"

She chuckled and shook her head: "Why would he make it difficult for me, I'm the only one who can heal his leg injury, he can't wait to confess me."

Zheng Zhongwen snorted: "We can't let his leg injury heal, but let him suffer more. A person like him doesn't deserve to have a healthy body like a normal person."

Thinking of the tragic death of her father and mother, thinking of the suffering her younger brother suffered at his hands, and thinking of the current situation, she wished to cut him into pieces with her own hands, how could he really heal his leg injury, without a single needle Stabbing him to death is his fate.

"Don't worry, I will act carefully, let alone heal his injuries, I will make his life worse than death, and he will suffer the consequences!"

The next day, Qi Rongyue went to Prince Lian's Mansion early.

Outside the study, Qi Rongyue met Lord Yin who came out of the study.

Lord Yin Hou knew about her coming to Beijing, so he would not be surprised to meet her here: "Miss Qi, how are you doing recently?"

Qi Rongyue nodded: "Thank you, Lord Hou, everything is fine." She was very polite. She was very polite when she treated the old Lord Hou in the Hou's mansion before. She was as polite as now, and what this politeness represents is, Also alienation, he understood.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Master Yin Hou left without mentioning a single word about Yin Yixuan, without asking, he could guess a thing or two just by Qi Rongyue's attitude towards him.

After entering the study, Chu Lian asked Qi Rongyue, "Who were you talking to outside just now?"

She smiled lightly, lowered her eyes and raised her eyebrows: "Go back to the lord, Minnv just met Lord Yin Hou outside, and exchanged a few pleasantries."

"I heard that you also cured the old Marquis of Wenchang Marquis Mansion?" he asked.

She nodded: "It's just a coincidence. In fact, it's not a difficult disease. It's just that I have seen this kind of disease before, so it was a coincidence that Lord Yin Hou remembered this."

Chu Lian glanced at her with a half-smile, and said no more, let the housekeeper put his legs on the low stool, and waited for Qi Rongyue to give him the needle.

"Did your lord sleep well last night?" she asked.

Chu Lian nodded: "Well, I slept well. The soothing incense you made is really wonderful. I haven't had such a good sleep for a long time."

She has been giving him soothing incense for several days, but he has never used it. He asked the servants in the mansion to try it. Seeing that the servant tried it well and did not have any adverse reactions, he used the soothing incense for the first time last night. , Sure enough, as people say, the fragrance is light, soothing the brain and calming the mind, burning the soothing incense to sleep, and waking up feeling refreshed and comfortable.

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly: "As long as the prince thinks it's good, I'll make more and send it over."

Chu Lian smiled and said: "You work so hard every day, so I don't need to bother you. You write down the formula of this tranquilizing incense, and I'll let someone do it."

A shameless person is shameless in everything he does. She had expected that for a person like him, he would make such unreasonable and shameless demands sooner or later.

She nodded immediately: "Of course there is no problem, and it's not a top-secret formula, it's just—"

Chu Lian raised his eyebrows: "Just what?" He knew that she would not hand over the formula so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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