Chapter 447 The Secret Recipe
Chapter 448

"It's just that although the secret formula is simple, it's not easy to refine the formula to achieve its real effect," she said.

Chu Lian didn't believe it. For a young girl like her, it is already a miracle that her medical skills are so good. Could it be that her alchemy skills can also be second-to-none?
"Whether it's successful or not, you'll only know after trying it." He said indifferently.

Qi Rongyue stopped talking, and handed the secret recipe already written in her arms to Director Tian.

Manager Tian handed it to Chu Lian again.

Chu Lian didn't understand the principles of medicine, so he just glanced at the handwriting on the eye medicine prescription. The handwriting was beautiful, as delicate as hers, and it really lived up to the name.

As far as writing was concerned, his daughter wrote very well, but not the best of any woman he had ever seen.

Chu Tianyu's handwriting is excellent, with her own style, elegant and noble yet free and sharp, forming her own style.

I have to say that Chu Tianyu is a very special girl, she is very smart, she can learn everything very quickly, and she can do well in everything. Sometimes she is even jealous, jealous of his elder brother, who gets the best in everything, even in life. A pair of sons and daughters are also so excellent.

Heh - so what?Isn't the whole family gone to hell now?
"Since you said that Anshenxiang is difficult to refine, how about you refine it in front of the royal pharmacist and let them experience it?"

Sure enough, old ginger is always spicy.

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly: "Okay, just follow the lord's orders." Chu Lian was very suspicious, and everyone knew that if she gave a random prescription, how could he believe her?It is natural to test whether the prescription she gave is correct.

Chu Lian handed the prescription to Manager Tian: "You go and prepare something, and let the two pharmacists from the palace come to see it tomorrow."

Manager Tian understood, quickly took Fang Zi, and carefully hid it in his arms.

Qi Rongyue's face was calm, her smile was still faint, and after administering the needle for Chu Lian with ease, she took her leave and left.

The time is just right, now rush to Yongping Hou Mansion, just in time for lunch.

But who would have thought that she had just left the gate of Prince Lian's Mansion, but was blocked by Yin Yixuan who had been waiting at the gate.

"Rongyue—" He stopped in front of her, his eyes full of affection.

She frowned slightly, and said softly, "Young Master Yin, what are you doing?" This is not the first time he stopped her, what's the matter, is he addicted to stopping her?When she, Qi Rongyue, is easy to bully or something?

Yin Yixuan said: "Rong Yue, I think we should sit down calmly and have a good talk."

But she said: "I don't think there is anything to talk about between us. I have already said what I should tell you, and I don't want to repeat it. Also, please don't call me by my name again, please call me Miss Qi, don't block my way anymore, I don't think we are close enough to block people in the street."

Yin Yixuan didn't give in, not even a little bit: "Rong Yue, I know you're still blaming me, I'm sorry for you, I should have welcomed you in earlier, but I - don't talk about it, I won't mention the past, Now--"

Qi Rongyue interrupted him coldly: "Young Master Yin, there is no need to mention it in the past, let alone now, there is no possibility between you and me, please don't waste your energy."

Yin Yixuan shook his head: "No, the fate between you and me is doomed. When you were just born, you were already my fiancée. How could the fate of 17 years, 17 years, be broken at will?"

She suddenly found it funny, and raised her eyebrows to look at him, with that handsome face that dazzled people's eyes, that seemingly affectionate, but in fact domineering and stubborn eyes: "Mr. Yin, you and I have been engaged for 17 years. In 17 years, you, and your Yin family , never cared about me, even though the Yin and Qi families live in the same city, why have you ever visited me in the Qi mansion? Even just a glance. You Yin family dare to say that in the past 17 years, you have never regretted this marriage ? You, Yin Yixuan, dare to say that before you met me, you really regarded me, Qi Rongyue, as your fiancée?"

(End of this chapter)

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