Chapter 448 Deception
Chapter 449

She shook her head and smiled coldly: "Don't deceive yourself, you don't like me at all, you just want to get what you think should belong to you, it's a thing, not a person, an emotion."

"No, it's not like that." He was about to argue again, but she had already turned sideways to avoid him. He reached out to grab, but he didn't grab anything. She was right in front of his eyes, walking slowly, but he could do whatever he wanted. Chasing, but also unable to catch up with her, panting, her figure gradually disappeared in front of his eyes.

"No, it's not like that, Rongyue, you're wrong, I really like you, I want to marry you, I must." He secretly swore that no matter what method he used, he would get her, Never give up.

"Mr. Yin?" An unfamiliar and surprised voice sounded behind him, he turned around and saw a familiar face.

"Qi Rongxue?" He raised his eyebrows, and the image of him embracing a naked man that day appeared in his mind, and his heart suddenly became disgusted.

How could Qi Rongxue know what he was thinking right now, seeing that he could say her name in one breath, she was so happy that she almost flew up.

"Young Master Yin, do you still remember me?" She didn't expect to meet him here, and secretly felt that it was fate that drew her.

Yin Yixuan didn't want to pay attention to her at first, but when he thought of the relationship between Qi Rongyue and the Qi family, he stopped in his tracks again, and said to Qi Rongxue with a faint smile: "I didn't expect to meet Second Miss here, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Qi Rongxue smiled and said: "I didn't expect that either, what is Mr. Yin doing here?" She looked around, except for Mr. Yin and his followers, there was no one else.

Yin Yixuan said: "I saw your elder sister just now, I wanted to talk to her, but she said she was in a hurry and left in a hurry. I chased her here and disappeared. Do you know where she went?"

If Rongyue can return to Qi's house, will his marriage with Rongyue be logical again?

The smile on Qi Rongxue's face froze: "The elder sister that Mr. Yin is talking about, can't it be Qi Rongyue?"

Yin Yixuan nodded: "That's right, it's her, why? Didn't you see her just now?"

She shook her head in embarrassment: "No, I didn't see it. Isn't she in Jincheng? Why did you come to Kyoto again?" Qi Rongxue was furious in her heart, and secretly scolded Qi Rongyue, a lowly girl, for saying nothing. Those who returned to Jincheng did not leave.

Yin Yixuan said with a smile: "It seems that you really don't know that Rong Yue was invited to Beijing by King Lian, and now he is treating the disease of King Lian, and is temporarily staying in the capital." If Qi Yongchun knew that Rong Yue was treating the disease of King Lian , I will definitely find a way to get close to Rongyue and invite her back to the mansion. At that time, he will also be able to claim credit in front of King Lian in the name of the father of the genius doctor. How could Qi Yongchun miss such a good thing?
Qi Rongxue opened her mouth wide in shock. Although she has not been in Beijing for a long time, she knows exactly who this Prince Lian is. This Prince Lian is the future emperor of the Chu Dynasty. Father has not even seen him a few times. I see this girl Qi Rongyue every day.

Seeing that the words were almost finished, Yin Yixuan said: "Second Miss Qi, I have something else to do, so I'll take my leave first." He turned around and left, directly ignoring Qi Rongxue's reluctant eyes behind him.

As Yin Yixuan expected, as soon as Qi Rongxue came home, she told Qi Yongchun everything Yin Yixuan said today. Her purpose was very simple, she just wanted to let her father know what Qi Rongyue was doing now, so that he could do it sooner. Plan, don't wait for something to happen in the future, and then get involved with the Qi family.

(End of this chapter)

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