Chapter 449

Chapter 450

However, Qi Yongchun's thinking was different from hers. Qi Yongchun knew that Qi Rongyue had cured the old man of Wenchang Hou Mansion, and also knew that Qi Rongyue had cured Zheng Santang's illness. He even knew that King Lian had sent It was such an honor for her to go to the palace to see a doctor for the emperor. Since then, he has been regretting that he shouldn't drive such a good child out of the house, causing what he had at his fingertips to become like that. out of reach.

Now knowing that she has returned to the capital and entered Prince Lian's mansion to treat the illness of Prince Lian, how can he miss such a good opportunity?He must not miss again.


Yongping Hou Mansion
When Qi Rongyue arrived, it was still a quarter before noon, Zheng Zhongwen was waiting outside the gate, stomping back and forth non-stop, if he hadn't made an appointment with her to wait here for her, he would have galloped to Prince Lian's mansion.

Seeing her figure appear at a glance, the gloom on her face was swept away immediately, and she walked forward, saw her sweating, and said distressedly: "Why don't you take a carriage?"

She shook her head and smiled lightly: "It's not that far away, I just walked here."

"What about Cher?" he asked.

"She's not feeling well today, so I didn't let her come with me. I'm fine by myself." She smiled lightly, and there was a hint of nervousness between her brows and eyes.

No matter how calm his temper is, he will become nervous before meeting his in-laws.

He held her hand, felt the thin sweat from her palm, and said with a smile, "Are you nervous?"

She nodded: "A little bit."

"It's okay, you've seen my father too, my mother is a very nice person, very, very nice!" He patted her on the back lightly and took her hand: "Let's go, I'll take you there now meet them."

"Yeah." She felt at ease, with him around, she was not afraid, not afraid of anything.

In the front hall of the room, Mrs. Zhenghou sat in the main seat in a new dress, waiting for her son to bring his daughter-in-law-to-be to see her. She waited all morning, and it was almost noon, but there was no sign of anyone.

"Ma'am, don't worry. Ms. Qi is a measured person. She promised to come, and she will definitely come. Besides, she has to go to Lian Wang's mansion to treat Lian Wang's illness today. It is normal to delay some time."

Mrs. Zheng Hou nodded: "Yes, I heard that Prince Lian is not easy to get along with. He won't make things difficult for her, will he?"

Master Zheng Hou shook his head: "That's not true. Miss Qi is of great use to him now, so why would he make things difficult for her?"

"That's fine, that's fine."

At this time, a girl hurried in and said to Lord Hou and his wife, "Master, Madam, the son brought Miss Qi in."

Lord Zheng Hou also heaved a sigh of relief, waved his hand and said, "Okay, we understand, you go prepare tea."

Mrs. Zheng Hou hurriedly straightened her clothes and hair, and said to Zheng Hou Ye who was at the side: "Look at me, can I do this?"

Master Zheng Hou said with a smile: "Okay, my wife is very beautiful no matter what."

Mrs. Zheng Hou pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes rolled around, and she said angrily: "You are the only one with a sweet mouth, and you always make me happy."

Lord Zheng Hou laughed, he loved his wife's charming appearance so much, he was happy when she was happy.

"Father, mother, Rongyue is here." Zheng Zhongwen's person hadn't seen him yet, but his voice was very loud. As soon as he entered the middle door, the voice entered the ears of the husband and wife clearly.

Mrs. Zhenghou laughed "puchi" and said, "Your son is exactly the same as you used to be."

Lord Zheng Hou also laughed: "Isn't it normal for a son to resemble his father?"

While talking, Zheng Zhongwen took Qi Rongyue's hand and walked into the hall like this. As soon as he entered the door, Qi Rongyue tried hard to pull back her hand, but Zheng Zhongwen's hand was strong, even if she didn't let go, she could do nothing with him, just Can blushing hand in hand forward.

(End of this chapter)

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