Chapter 450 Marriage
Chapter 451

When they were in front of the two, Zheng Zhongwen let go of his hand.

Qi Rongyue hastily put her hands into her sleeves, and greeted Lord Zheng Hou and Mrs. Zheng Hou.

This is the first time Mrs. Zheng Hou saw Qi Rongyue, she learned from her husband that Qi Rongyue is very beautiful and has a very elegant temperament.

But it never occurred to her that she was so beautiful, her behavior was so graceful, even though she was a bit cramped, she still impressed her. It was really surprising to her that a daughter of a mere magistrate was so well-bred.

It's no wonder that the son who is devoted to the eldest princess suddenly fell in love with other girls. If she was a man, he would also like such a girl.

"Come, sit by my side, let me have a good look!" Mrs. Zheng Hou took Qi Rongyue's hand, and pulled her to the lower left chair to sit down. Like it, she put a pair of bright red blood jade bracelets on Qi Rongyue's wrists: "This is a dowry given to me by my mother. I have been reluctant to wear it all these years, so I give it to you today. Do you like it? "

With a warm heart, she nodded: "I like it, thank you auntie."

"As long as you like it!" She smiled and patted her hand, and said: "I have heard about you, from now on, take this place as your own home, don't be polite, in the future, the Yongping Hou Mansion You will be in charge of the back house."

As soon as these words came out, she tacitly agreed to her marriage with Zhongwen. Her nose was slightly sore, she held back the tears on her face, nodded and said: "I understand what Auntie means, thank you!"

Not only is she beautiful, but she is also sensible and smart. What a good child, then Qi Yongchun is simply blind. No one else would want such a daughter.

After chatting for a while, Mrs. Zhenghou became more and more satisfied with her. Her conversation was elegant, her gestures revealed a sense of nobility, she was knowledgeable, and she was neither arrogant nor impatient. She was so satisfied that she couldn't be more satisfied. If she gets married, she will also hug her fat grandson as soon as possible.

During the lunch, Mrs. Zheng Hou couldn't hold back, she simply said to Qi Rongyue: "Why don't you two get married while Zhong Wen is at home for these two days!"

Zheng Zhongwen spit out the wine he just drank, and shouted: "Mother, what are you joking about? How could you get married so hastily in just these two days?"

Lord Zheng Hou also said: "Yes, getting married is a big event, and it can't be held so hastily."

Mrs. Zheng Hou's eyes were slightly red: "You are old men, how do you know what we women in the deep house are thinking? Once you leave, you don't know when you will be back. Your father is also a busy man. If you want to go to Longxi, if Rong Yue enters the gate, you can live in the Hou Mansion, talk to me, be a companion, it's better than me looking at the empty window alone all day."

Don't talk about her husband, knowing his wife, Lord Zheng Hou knows exactly what she is thinking. It is nothing more than wanting Zhong Wen and Rong Yue to get married in the bridal chamber. Here, she can also pin this feeling of thinking about her son on her grandson.

It's just that Madam doesn't understand how dangerous what they are going to do, and it's not wise to get married and have children now.

Zheng Zhongwen said: "Mother - it's not that I won't come back after I go here. When I come back, I will definitely do what you want, okay?"

"Bah, bah, bah - why don't you come back, don't talk nonsense like that." Mrs. Zheng Hou gave her son and husband a blank look, full of displeasure.

(End of this chapter)

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