Chapter 454 Benefits First
Chapter 455

As soon as Qi Yongchun heard the three words of destroying the nine clans, Qi Yongchun suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck. This girl acted boldly.

He began to regret, regretted taking this trip rashly today, and should observe and observe again. If she can cure King Lian's leg disease, it will be beneficial and harmless to admit her relatives. If she can't, then let her recognize her ancestors and return to her clan. , will become a disaster.

Qi Rongyue saw his complexion changed, she sneered in her heart, and said: "I don't know what Master Qi is here today?"

Qi Yongchun laughed dryly and said: "Passing by, just passing by, it's nothing, you can go in."

She had already expected him to say that. A person like him has no family affection in his heart and puts interests first.

Those who are useful can naturally be praised to the sky, and those who are not, heh——

Her indifferent eyes swept towards the old lady, but the old lady hurriedly avoided her, not daring to look at her, until the courtyard door was closed again, the old lady said to her son: "Yongchun, she did it on purpose, you haven't seen it yet." come out?"

Qi Yongchun sighed: "Whether it's intentional or unintentional, what she said is always reasonable. If she really fails to heal King Lian's leg, with King Lian's temperament, he will never let her go. At that time, our Qi family will also be implicated by it."

The old lady said: "What if she is cured?"

Qi Yongchun frowned slightly, and the corner of his mouth lightly curled up: "At that time, let's meet again!"

Shameless, simply too shameless!The servants who followed the old lady and Qi Yongchun could only think of these two words in their hearts.

The old lady didn't say much. The son said he wanted to do this, so he did it. She had no opinion, and she didn't feel shameless. They were the same kind of people.

After entering the door, Xue'er couldn't hold back anymore, she poked her waist and said, "Miss, why did you pull me just now? People like them, why do you give them good looks?"

Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows: "Is my complexion alright?"

Cher thought about it, okay?It doesn't seem too good--

"Xue'er, the process is not important, what matters is the result."

Xue'er thought about it again, she was right, Qi Yongchun brought the old lady together, it was obvious that she wanted to use the old lady to win the young lady's sympathy, so that the young lady agreed to return to Qi's mansion.

The young lady said such words on purpose to make him retreat in spite of the difficulties, the goal has been achieved, isn't it?

Since the goal can be achieved so easily, why bother making noise and making it known to everyone?


Prince Lian's Mansion

"My lord, the enthronement ceremony will be held at the beginning of next month, is your leg better?" Tian Boss asked.

Chu Lian stood up on the chair, walked a few steps in the study, and said, "It's really much better. If this continues, the enthronement ceremony at the beginning of next month should be fine. I have to say that Qi Rongyue's medical skills are indeed very good. Exquisite."

Manager Tian said again: "My lord, there is only three days' worth of Anshenxiang left. The pharmacist in our mansion has been practicing according to Miss Qi's prescription and method for the past few days, and none of them succeeded. Look—"

Chu Lian asked: "What did the imperial hospital say?"

Director Tian hurriedly said: "Everyone in the Royal Hospital has seen the prescription and tried this tranquilizing incense, and they all said that there is no problem."

"Can they refine the same tranquilizing incense as this one?" Chu Lian asked.

Manager Tian shook his head: "It can be made into a seven-part image, but it can't be completely similar. The effect may still be a little worse."

"Trash, all of them are trash, a dignified imperial doctor, but not even a barefoot medical girl." Chu Lian said angrily.

PS: There are only three chapters today, my mind is a bit messed up, I have to go through the plot, otherwise I will write something wrong, and I should be scolded by you.

See you tomorrow good night!

(End of this chapter)

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