Chapter 455 Zhou An
Chapter 456

Manager Tian said with a dry smile: "My lord, Ms. Qi's skill in refining medicine is really exquisite. Why don't you let Ms. Qi refine this incense. The prescription has been tested by the imperial hospital and the pharmacists in our mansion, and there is nothing wrong with it. I have also tried it, and you know the effect. It is better to use the medicine prepared by the pharmacist in our mansion, and let Miss Qi refine it in the pharmacy in the mansion, and the pharmacist is also there. It's playing the role of a supervisor, do you think?"

Chu Lian also couldn't think of a better way, so he nodded and said: "Okay, let's do it like this, let me tell you, you must be careful in choosing medicine, and don't make any mistakes."

Manager Tian hurriedly replied: "Understood!"

Although Qi Rongyue didn't show any flaws in front of Chu Lian, Chu Lian, who is suspicious by nature, still couldn't completely trust her in such a short period of time. Be sure, she won't act rashly.

Everything is going according to plan. After Zhongwen returned to Jincheng, under the arrangement of Min Hengzhi, he replaced the Liangshan Jingqi that should have been assigned to him with his own cronies. Although there are only a hundred people, they are all skilled Great, and they are all loyal.

As Zheng Zhongwen's cousin, Chu Tianqi changed his name to Qi Tian, ​​mixed with the bandit suppression team, and embarked on the first stage of his road to revenge.

On the third day after Zheng Zhongwen left Jincheng, Min Hengzhi secretly sent the personal jade pendant of the third prince of the Zhou Dynasty left by Zheng Zhongwen to the Zhou Dynasty, and attached a secret letter with provocative words, hoping to stimulate the old Zhou king to send troops.

In this way, if something happens in Longxi, Lord Zheng Hou can go to Longxi to quell the chaos, and then he will secretly transfer the family members of the Zheng family to a safe place, so as not to harm the innocent when the incident happens.

However, the situation they had expected did not happen, Longxi was very peaceful, King Zhou did not send troops to attack Chu because of the death of the third son, and even the royal family of Zhou did not make any relevant movements, as if nothing had happened.

Qi Rongyue was anxious. Zhong Wen and Tian Qi had been away for half a month, and the news came and went. She had to find a way to let Zheng Houye go to Longxi to take charge of the army without being suspected by Chu Lian, and the best way , that is, Zhou sent troops to crusade against Chu.

Distraught, she lay on the bed and tried to find a way. She was half asleep and half awake in the middle of the night, when her closed eyes suddenly opened, and she suddenly remembered that when she was in Rongyu Hall in Pengcheng, she accidentally saw Zhou An sitting in the study and looking at his hand. The jade pendant was in a daze. The shape of the jade pendant was clearly very similar to the one that Zheng Zhongwen got from the third prince Zhou Bo that day. The pattern on the jade pendant was that of a horned dragon, which was very special. Although she had only seen it once , but remembered it in her heart. When Zhongwen brought Zhou Bo's jade pendant that day, she felt familiar at a glance, but she didn't remember where she saw it at that time.

Zhou Bo, Zhou An—both are surnamed Zhou, and his temperament is really not like that of an ordinary scholar from a poor family.

Thinking about Zhou's mother's attitude towards Zhou An, intimacy is intimacy, but in that intimacy, there seems to be a trace of respect and humbleness. This is not like a mother's attitude towards her son. The reason is that I am too suspicious. At this time, thinking about it, Zhou's mother may not be his biological mother, and Zhou An should be the little prince who disappeared from the Zhou royal family five years ago.

Thinking of this, another bold plan formed in her mind, and the most important thing in this plan was Zhou An. She had to go to Pengcheng in person.

(End of this chapter)

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