Chapter 457 Get Out
Chapter 458

"Miss, what's the matter with you?" Xue'er noticed that Qi Rongyue's expression was a little strange, so she suppressed her smile.

Qi Rongyue held Xue'er's hand tightly, and said seriously: "Xue'er, I know what you're thinking, you like Zhou An, right?"

The deeply buried thoughts were asked so straightforwardly, Xue'er blushed to the back of her ears, she shook her head: "No, how could I like a nerd like him."

Qi Rongyue said: "Xue'er, don't like him, you are not suitable."

Xue'er, who lowered her eyes, quickly raised her eyes: "Miss, what do you mean by that?"

Qi Rongyue didn't go around in circles, and said directly: "Zhou An's identity is not simple, she is not an ordinary scholar, I returned to Pengcheng this time, just because of him, I discovered the secret of his life experience, Xue Er, what is the relationship between you and him?" It is absolutely impossible in time, before the sinking is deep, stop thinking about it earlier."

Seeing that Xue'er's originally flushed cheeks were gradually turning white, she sighed again, and said, "Xue'er, I know it's difficult. Once a person likes someone, he engraves this person into his heart. It's easier said than done to forget!"

"But Xue'er, what separates you from him is not only the simple identity, but also many, many things. I can't tell you one by one now. You just need to remember, don't fall into it anymore, and get out early. the best choice."

Xue'er doesn't understand, why not?Miss is an abandoned daughter, isn't she also with Zheng Zhongwen who is the son of the world?
Why can't she?
But she also understood that even if everyone in the world lied to her, the young lady would never lie to her. If the young lady said no, then it must be impossible.

She nodded with a smile, but her tears couldn't stop falling: "I know, I will no longer like him, and I will no longer have fantasies about him." She choked up, laughing uglier than crying, watching Although Qi Rongyue's eyes were blurred, they were determined.

Whatever the lady says is right, and if the lady says no, then she can’t.

Qi Rongyue hugged her and patted her on the back: "Xue'er, don't cry, don't be sad, you are a good girl, a very, very, very good girl, you deserve a better and better man." I love you, Zhou Anta, not a good match!"

He is the prince of the Zhou Dynasty. As long as he can return to the Zhou Dynasty safely, he will most likely inherit the throne of Zhou King. Xueer, she is just an ordinary girl who can no longer be ordinary. What is horizontal is not only the distance of thousands of mountains and rivers.

Xueer didn't sleep all night, and set foot on the road back to Pengcheng the next morning with her panda eyes on her face.

In September, it was the end of summer, but it was still hot. In order to reach Pengcheng as soon as possible, they almost never stopped on the road. As long as they could see the road clearly at night, they drove as usual, and finally arrived in Pengcheng on the morning of the fifth day .

When the carriage stopped at the entrance of Rongyu Hall, the door of Rongyu Hall had just opened. Xueer jumped off the carriage and saw Bell and Dang'er who were cleaning the counter. She shouted excitedly: "Bing'er, Dang'er, We're back!"

As soon as Ling'er and Dang'er heard Xue'er's voice, they immediately threw away the rags in their hands, and flew out of the door. The three girls hugged each other, shouting excitedly.

Qi Rongyue got off the car behind them, and seeing them happy, she couldn't help showing a bright smile: "Okay, let's go in and talk."

Ling'er and Dang'er heard the young lady's voice, and were about to turn around to salute, but Xue'er grabbed her and said, "Did you forget? The young lady said that she doesn't like this kind of thing, go in!"

I have been busy all day, so tired and the plot is not going well, today is still three chapters, see you tomorrow, I love you (?˙︶˙?)!

(End of this chapter)

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