Chapter 458 Leave
Chapter 459

Xue'er's eyes couldn't help searching the hall, except for a few familiar guys, there was no one she had been thinking about all the time.

After Qi Rongyue entered the hall, she went directly to the backyard, and said to Haizi who came over after hearing the sound, "Where is Mr. Zhou?"

Haizi shook his head: "Miss, Mr. Zhou has not seen anyone for several days, and Mrs. Zhou is not here either."

Qi Rongyue frowned: "What do you mean? Why did it suddenly disappear?"

Haizi was also confused: "Yeah, I don't understand what's going on. Three days ago, I asked Ling'er to deliver food to him, but I found that he was not in the study, and there was no one in the room. Aunt Zhou was not in the room either. I thought they had gone out, but no one came back in the evening, and I went to the house to look for them, but I didn't leave a single word, and they left without even saying hello. It's really not like his usual behavior. "

Qi Rongyue's heart is not good, could something have happened?
She asked Haizi, "Does Mr. Zhou have another foothold in Pengcheng?"

Haizi shook his head: "Supposedly not. The house they lived in was also rented, and it was taken back by the landlord long ago. Since you left, miss, he has been living in our Rongyu Hall and rarely goes out. Mrs. Zhou has never I have never left Rongyu Hall, and for some reason this time, I suddenly disappeared."

Xue'er was very anxious when she heard this, and shouted at Haizi: "Did you treat him badly, making him feel dissatisfied and leave in anger?"

Hai Zi hurriedly said: "Heaven and earth conscience, I respect Mr. Zhou very much, and I often ask him for advice on many things I don't understand, and even call him brothers and sisters, how can I treat him badly? Besides, he is Miss's distinguished guest, how dare I treat him badly?" Him? If you don’t believe me, you can ask Ling’er and the others!”

Ling'er and Dang'er also nodded quickly: "Hai Zi is right, Young Master Zhou gets along very well with all of us, and he definitely didn't leave because he was treated badly."

Qi Rongyue naturally believed in Haizi. She handed over the shop to Haizi because she had observed Haizi's behavior.

"Take me to his room." She said.

Haizi hurriedly led Qi Rongyue and Xue'er to Zhou An's room.

Although this is the residence that Qi Rongyue arranged for Zhou An, she has never been here, not even once.

The room is very tidy, everything is very tidy, just like Zhou An, although the clothes on his body are shabby and shabby, they are always clean and tidy. .

In the past, she thought that it was the bookish and haughty air of a scholar.

She walked to the closet and opened the closet door. There were a few clothes in it, which were a bit messy, but it wasn't the kind of mess that wasn't folded, but that it was neatly placed before being picked up by someone in a hurry to pick up the clothes. Messed up.

It seems that he didn't disappear suddenly, at least he left with two clothes.

She went to the next room again, where Aunt Zhou originally lived.

The room was very dark, probably because the windows hadn't been opened for a long time, and there was a musty smell coming from the nostrils.

Haizi and Xue'er hurried to open the window for ventilation. The room was not big, with a bed, a chair, a wardrobe and a simple dressing table under the window, nothing else.

The quilt on the bed was very messy. According to her understanding of Aunt Zhou, Aunt Zhou would definitely fold the quilt immediately after getting up, and she would never let the room feel a little messy.

What does this prove?
It proved that she was taken away in a hurry, and she didn't even have time to make the quilt in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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