Chapter 462
Chapter 463

Zhou An said angrily, "What exactly do you want?"

Gong Liangjun said coldly: "What do I want? I said a long time ago that I want you to be obedient. As long as you listen to me, I promise you will be the king of Zhou, but you obviously don't want to listen to me. I got a glimpse of my secret again, so—" He didn't continue talking, but stared fiercely at Zhou An and Qi Rongyue Qinniang behind Zhou An.

Seeing Gong Liangjun's wrist move slightly, she quickly stretched out her hand to grab Zhou An and pulled him back. Zhou An's body fell to the ground, and on the ground in front of him, three darts with a faint blue light were nailed to the mud. .

"You want to kill me?" Zhou An widened his eyes and glared at Gong Liangjun in front of him.

Gong Liangjun sneered: "So what if I kill you? If I kill you, who knows how you died?"

Qi Rongyue held five gold needles tightly between her fingers, she helped Zhou An, stepped forward, stepped over the poison dart, and said to Gong Liangjun: "I guess the fourth prince's leg injury was also caused by you, right? ?”

Gong Liangjun raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Why did you say that?"

"Because you, Gong Liangjun, consider yourself talented and worthy of great responsibility, and all these princes put together are no match for you alone, Gong Liangjun. Therefore, you first sowed right and wrong in the royal family, forcing the little prince to escape from the Zhou Dynasty, and then killed him." The little prince's biological mother died, and then provoked the relationship between the second prince and the fourth prince, causing them to kill each other. The second prince accidentally injured the fourth prince, causing the fourth prince's legs to no longer stand up, and the second prince also completely lost The eldest prince is obsessed with beauty and can't bear the heavy responsibility. Only the third prince is the most likely person to take over the throne. As the third prince's military adviser, when you see through that the third prince cannot be controlled by you , with our hands, killed the third prince, right?"

Gong Liangjun stared at Qi Rongyue with cold eyes: "Go ahead."

Qi Rongyue took two more steps forward before stopping, and then said: "You must be a foreigner, your surname is Gongliang and not Zhou, no matter how dilapidated the Zhou royal family is, it is not your turn to inherit the throne, and even though you are Call yourself an adult, but you have no real power, and no officials in the court are willing to support you. Even though you have talents, you have nothing to do. So, you thought of the little prince again, and wanted to make the little prince your favorite A controllable puppet, help him ascend the throne, and you are the regent, right?"

Gong Liangjun was absent-minded for a moment, how could this girl's deduction be accurate without any mistakes, as if she had experienced everything in person.

It was this moment of absence, Qi Rongyue found an opportunity, she quickly waved her hand, and the five golden needles between her fingers pierced Gong Liangjun's chest in the shape of a plum blossom.

After all, Gong Liangjun was very skilled, but it was too late to avoid him at this moment. He turned sideways, and the five golden needles failed to pierce his chest, but easily pierced his left shoulder.

He suddenly felt numbness in his left shoulder, and immediately said angrily: "You actually quenched poison on a needle?"

Qi Rongyue shrugged, "I'm just learning from you."

Gong Liangjun shook his left shoulder vigorously, and the five golden needles were forced out of his body by his deep internal force, but the poison had already soaked into the blood and could not be forced out.

He sealed the acupuncture point on his left shoulder, pulled out the saber at his waist, and said in a deep voice, "Even if I only use one hand, I can still deal with you."

As soon as Gong Liangjun's voice fell, Qi Rongyue quickly drew out his dagger to fight, and the two soldiers met. Her dagger cut off a third of the opponent's long sword, but still failed to stop the opponent's long sword. With the ferocious sword force, the long sword grazed her shoulder. There was an old wound there, and now a new wound was added, and the pain multiplied.

(End of this chapter)

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