Chapter 463
Chapter 464

Seeing this, Zhou An was very anxious, but he couldn't exert any strength at this time, and he couldn't help if he wanted to. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the faint blue dart on the ground, and hurriedly pulled it out and hid it in his sleeve.

At this time, Qi Rongyue and Gong Liangjun performed three more moves. Qi Rongyue's moves were very subtle, but due to lack of strength, he was in danger repeatedly, and his body was cut several times by the broken sword.

After Gong Liangjun saw the blood, his moves became more and more crazy, and Qi Rongyue was obviously unable to do what he wanted, and retreated steadily.

Zhou An took out the dart hidden in his sleeve, intending to put all his eggs in one basket, risking his life to gamble, no matter what, he couldn't just watch Rong Yue being hurt by Gong Liangjun in front of him.

Qin Niang, who had been standing behind Zhou An, grabbed Zhou An's hand and said, "My child, live well, you must live well!" After saying that, she suddenly snatched the poisoned dart from Zhou An's hand, and suddenly He rushed towards Gong Liangjun.

Without hesitation, Gong Liangjun stabbed at Qinniang fiercely with his sword.

This scene happened so suddenly that Qi Rongyue didn't even have time to react, the broken sword had already pierced into Qinniang's lower abdomen, Qinniang didn't dodge or fall down, she grabbed Gong Liangjun With all his strength, he pierced the dart tightly in his hand into Gong Liangjun's chest.

The dart didn't pierce deeply, but the poison blocked the throat with blood.

When Qinniang fell, Gong Liangjun also fell.

On the face that was originally arrogant, black poisonous blood was constantly oozing from the eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

Zhou An staggered towards Qin Niang, hugging her gradually icy body with trembling hands: "Nurse, wake up, wake up, you're fine, right? You lied to me, right?" , his only family member is the wet nurse. The wet nurse abandoned her child and followed him to this strange place to wander. She tried her best to prevent him from suffering. She wanted to bear all the suffering and tiredness for him.

He has long regarded her as his own mother. He said that one day she will be blessed, but before that day comes, is she going to leave him?

Qin Niang closed her eyes and didn't open them again. For her, this was the best ending. She used her own life to protect the person she had been protecting all this time, completed her mission, and she could finally feel at ease. Go underground and meet her master.

She squatted behind him and patted his back lightly: "You can't be resurrected after death, please be sorry!"

"I want to take her back to Zhou Dynasty, she has always wanted to go back." Zhou An said.

Qi Rongyue looked around and nodded: "I'll figure out a way, you wait first."

She turned around and went into the woods, regardless of the bleeding from the wound on her body, she picked up a lot of dry firewood and put them together, then put Qinniang's body on the pile of dry firewood, and burned it to ashes.

It's certainly not realistic to take her body with her, it's always possible to take her ashes.

Checked the pulse for Zhou An, and confirmed that what he took was cartilage powder, which was the same as the poison that the master had taken back then, so he took one of the remaining detoxification pills and handed it to him: "This is the detoxification pill, you take it first."

Zhou An hugged the wet nurse's ashes tightly, chewing the detoxification pill dumbly, and when he came back to his senses, he saw Qi Rongyue sitting under the tree with a pale face and listless spirit.

Only then did he remember that she had suffered multiple sword wounds, and quickly squatted beside her: "How is your injury?"

She smiled bitterly and shook her head: "It's okay, just take a rest."

There will be a lot of updates on the 23rd, please bear with me for two days, there are only two days left, see you tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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