Chapter 464
Chapter 465

First she suffered multiple sword wounds, and then she bled profusely in order to gather firewood. At this moment, her eyes were filled with golden flowers, and her legs and feet were already weak. She couldn't walk or take a step.

Seeing Zhou An's anxious face, she comforted her, "Don't be afraid, Xue'er has already gone to rescue the soldiers. I left a mark on the way, and she will come here."

He should have comforted her, but let her say it first, he felt so useless.

The weather is not beautiful, the originally sunny and good weather changed as soon as it was said, the sky suddenly darkened, and when the wind picked up, it was accompanied by the sound of thunder in the sky.

And they were sitting under the tree. Once the lightning started to rage, they were likely to be hit by lightning. This place was obviously not a safe place.

After Zhou An took the detoxification pill, he recovered a little strength, he helped Qi Rongyue stand up, and walked to the cave not far away.

Although the cave is not big, it is a good place to avoid thunderstorms.

Before it rained, he picked up a lot of dry firewood and went into the cave, so as not to feel cold when the moisture invaded the cave for a while.

Qi Rongyue carried emergency wound medicine and bandage strips on her body. While Zhou An was working hard to light a fire, she wanted to apply medicine to herself. The clothes on her body were sticking to the flesh and blood. She took out the dagger and wanted to cut it open. The bloody clothes stuck to the wound, just raised her hand, before she had time to move, she felt a burst of blackness in front of her eyes, the feeling of the world spinning overwhelmed her, the dagger fell to the ground with a clang, and her body also fell sideways.

Hearing the sound, Zhou An turned around, saw Qi Rongyue passed out, rushed forward to help her up, kept calling her name, but she never responded.

At this time, it was already raining heavily outside, and there were thunderstorms in the sky. He wanted to take her away at this moment, but he couldn't.

How to do?How to do?
He was very flustered, saw the dagger and wound medicine on the ground, and thought that she was going to bandage himself with medicine just now.

He carried her to the fire, picked up the dagger that had fallen on the ground, and had just held the dagger in his hand, before he could quickly see what it looked like, a strange, very familiar feeling flashed across his heart, and he hurriedly Put the dagger in front of the fire and take a closer look. The small and exquisite dagger has a sharp cold blade. A dark ruby ​​is inlaid on the handle, which is the size of a pigeon egg. There are various small gemstones scattered around it. Below, the brilliance is flowing and beautiful.

His heart beat wildly, this is his dagger, the dagger he brought out when he left the royal family of Zhou, it is the relic of his mother!What, how did it fall into Rongyue's hands?

Back then, he quietly left the Zhou Dynasty with a few trusted guards and his nanny who wanted to follow him without hesitation. At the border of Longxi, he was attacked by bandits. It was a general of the Chu Dynasty who rescued him. During the fight, the situation was too chaotic, and that's when the dagger was left behind.

Somewhere, as if by God's will, they met again, and she was still carrying his most cherished token. Is this the beginning of their fate?
Cut open her clothes with a dagger, carefully cleaned up the rags that were dried with blood, then applied wound medicine to her, and carefully bandaged her. There were six sword wounds on her body, and the old wounds could be seen faintly beside the new wounds. The scars of the injury, damn it, he really deserves to die, he is a majestic big man, but let a woman sacrifice her life to protect him, causing this injury all over her body.

Arms, thighs, chest, back, her clothes were already ragged and tattered, almost naked, and she was full of joy, which made Zhou An's heart beat faster and faster.

(End of this chapter)

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