Chapter 465

Chapter 466

He took off his outer clothes, wrapped her tightly, hugged her delicate body, and sat by the fire to keep warm.

There was a violent storm outside, and the moisture kept invading the cave, but he didn't feel the cold at all, as if the blood all over his body was ignited and boiled continuously.

When the torrential rain stopped, the sky also darkened, Xue Er and the rescuers did not come, maybe the markings on the road had been destroyed by the storm!

This may be a chance God gave him, so that he can stay with the girl he loves for a while, and stay for a while.

The girl in his arms fell into a drowsy sleep, her delicate brows were slightly frowned, he stretched out his hand, trying to smooth out the faint wrinkles, he liked to see her smiling faintly, her eyes were clear, her beauty seemed unblemished Fairy of smoke.

His slender fingers touched the center of her eyebrows, and he couldn't stop feeling the soft touch. He carefully outlined her eyebrows and eyes, and the slender and upturned eyelashes trembled slightly under the light touch of his fingers.

Her face was very red and hot, not a shy one, but a sickly one. The burning sensation was transmitted from his fingers to his body, and a most primitive masculine impulse was brewing in his body squirm.

Feeling his gaffe, he hastily withdrew his hand and cursed himself as a beast, how could he have such obscene thoughts about her who was injured and unconscious.

He put her down, got up and walked out of the cave, standing in the night wind in the mountains, calming down the boiling blood in his body.

At dawn, Qi Rongyue woke up, and she saw that the fire had long been extinguished in front of her, only a pile of ashes of green smoke, and Zhou An who was leaning against the entrance of the cave.

He closed his eyes, as if he was resting, or just thinking.

She stood up on the ground, gasping for air from the pain of the wound.

Zhou An heard the movement, and quickly got up and rushed to her side: "You're awake, how do you feel?"

She sat up with the strength of his arm, her little face was pale and bloodless, but she still smiled lightly: "I'm fine, it's just a skin injury, it's fine."

Zhou An didn't make a sound, how could he be all right?How can it be okay?The original light-colored clothes were almost completely stained with blood, is it still okay?

"Are you hungry? I just picked some wild fruits, eat some." He took out two yellow apricots from his arms and handed them to her.

She shook her head: "I'm not hungry, you can eat."

"I've already eaten, and this is for you. I didn't eat all day yesterday, so I can't go on hungry anymore." Zhou An insisted.

She had no choice but to take one, handed it to her mouth and bit it lightly, the yellow apricot was not yet ripe, sour and astringent.

Zhou An asked, "Is it sweet?"

She shook her head: "It's not sweet, it's very sour. It seems that you haven't eaten it at all!"

Zhou An smiled awkwardly: "The tree is very tall, I don't feel at ease if you are here alone, just pick two at random and come back!" The forest is very deep, there may be some jackals, tigers and leopards in it, and she fell asleep again Then, he didn't dare to go far.

She pursed her lips and smiled slightly: "I'm fine, let's go!"

He was puzzled: "Go? Where are you going?"

"Of course I'm leaving here. Is it possible that you still want to stay here for a day?" She smiled.

He didn't make a sound, and stretched out his hand to hold her arm: "I'll help you go." If possible, he really wanted to stay here for a few more days, with her, alone.

"Yesterday's heavy rain washed away all the marks left on the road, otherwise, Xue'er must have found us." She said.

(End of this chapter)

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