Chapter 466 Panic
Chapter 467

Following the way they came, they walked out of the mountain forest step by step. The people from the Zhou dynasty who had been drugged by her at the mountain pass had long since disappeared. The horse she was riding was still lying in the middle of the road, soaked by the rain all day day.

Xue'er has never been here before, otherwise, she would definitely see the mark she left on the horse's back.

Zhou Andao: "This road is not an official road. There are very few pedestrians. Most of them are mountain roads that woodcutters would walk. It rained for another day yesterday. It is normal that no one comes."

Without carriages and horses, the two could only walk on foot, the mountain road was muddy, and it took two hours to walk on the official road after an hour's journey.

Not long after he got on the official road, he saw officers and soldiers riding fast. According to Qi Rongyue's order, Zhou An stopped the two officers and soldiers who were riding fast.

"Who is it?" The officer and soldier saw the bloodstains on the two people's bodies, and became suspicious in his heart, and put his hand on the saber at his waist while speaking.

Qi Rongyue said to the officers and soldiers: "I am the doctor of Pengcheng Rongyu Hall, Qi Rongyue, my girl Xue'er must be looking for me everywhere, may I ask if you have seen her?"

When the officer and soldier heard this, his eyebrows lit up immediately, he quickly got off his horse, and cupped his hands towards Qi Rongyue, saying: "So you are Miss Qi, and Miss Xue'er has been looking for you for a day and a night, and she was so anxious that she cried so many times. It's not far ahead, I'll call you."

Qi Rongyue nodded: "I'm sorry!"

The officers and soldiers rode horses and ran like a gust of wind, and then came like a gust of wind, bringing with them Xueer, whose eyes were swollen into walnuts.

Xue'er stumbled and threw herself in front of Qi Rongyue, seeing that she was wearing Zhou An's clothes, the clothes were covered with blood, her originally rosy cheeks were pale and bloodless, she needed someone to support her even standing, she slapped herself hard, Heartbroken and speechless, I just let the tears keep falling, crying with a hoarse voice.

Qi Rongyue withdrew her arm from Zhou An's hand, held Xue'er's hand with one hand, wiped away the tears on her cheek with the other hand, and said with a smile: "Look at you, your eyes are swollen like walnuts, you're so ugly!"

Xue'er reached out to support the young lady's arm, but accidentally touched her wound. Seeing her gasp in pain, she hurriedly let go, flustered at a loss.

She shook her head: "It's okay, I'm okay, let's go, let's go back!"

Xue'er hurriedly supported her uninjured wrist, and helped her walk to the carriage parked not far away.

Zhou An also got into the carriage and sat down opposite the two.

At this moment, Xue'er turned to look at Zhou An, seeing that the face was normal, and the blood on her body didn't look like his, and she didn't seem to be injured, so she asked, "Young Master Zhou, are you okay?"

Zhou An nodded, and replied to Xue'er's words, but kept his eyes on Qi Rongyue: "I'm fine."

Qi Rongyue raised her eyes, met his gaze, and said softly: "If you have anything to ask, just ask."

Zhou Andao: "Why did you come here suddenly? How did you know that I was held hostage by Gong Liangjun? How did you know—"

He didn't continue, she took his words, and said in a low voice: "How do you know that you are the fifth prince of the Zhou Dynasty, right?"

Zhou An frowned. He had long forgotten this identity. He lived in the Chu Dynasty with a brand new identity. He thought he could completely forget the past and really start over, but now it seems that everything is just his delusion?
Xue'er was surprised, Zhou An is the fifth prince of the Zhou Dynasty?He is not an ordinary poor scholar, but a noble prince?
 ——Small theater outside the topic——

  "Zheng Shizi, lend me some money." The author tugged Zheng Zhongwen's sleeve weakly.

  Zheng Zhongwen frowned, and impatiently shook off the author's little hand: "Borrowing money again? You have been borrowing money from me for four consecutive months, and you haven't paid back a penny. Borrow again?"

  The author smiled awkwardly: "Isn't it because the novel hasn't been released yet? I'll pay you back when I pay the manuscript fee next month."

  "Repay me next month? This is NO.20. How much can you pay for the manuscript next month? I'm afraid you don't even have enough food and drink for yourself. How can you pay me back?" Zheng Zhongwen looked disbelieving and contemptuous.

  "Zheng Shizi, I discussed it with the editor, and it will be on the shelves on the 23rd. There will never be any more delays. Don't worry, this is really the last time I will ask you to borrow money."

  At this moment, Qi Rongyue came out from the room, cast a glance at Zheng Zhongwen with beautiful eyes, and said angrily, "You are a real person, isn't the shepherd boy just asking you to borrow some money? Is it necessary to throw face at others like this?"

  Seeing Qi Rongyue, the shepherd boy breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that next month's living expenses will definitely be borrowed.

  She stuffed the money into the hands of the shepherd boy, and said in a low voice: "Use the money, but you have to remember that borrowing money to survive is not a long-term solution. Since you have decided to put it on the shelves on the 23rd, don't change it anymore. Write novels well, I believe in you, one day, you will stand out, marry Gao Fushuai, and reach the pinnacle of life."

  The shepherd boy nodded with tears in his eyes: "Yeah!"

(End of this chapter)

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