Chapter 467 Jade Pendant
Chapter 468

What the lady said rang in her ears, and she finally understood the good intentions of the lady, and also felt the gap between her and Zhou An. This is a gap, a gap that can never be bridged!

Zhou Andao: "That's right, I want to know, how do you know all this?"

Qi Rongyue pointed to his waist, where a jade pendant was tied, very similar to the jade pendant on Zhou Bo: "Because of this."

Zhou An looked at his jade pendant, took it off immediately, and frowned, "Because of this?"

Qi Rongyue said: "You don't know, your elder brother Zhou Bo, who did evil in Jincheng, has already been killed by us. Gong Liangjun was by Zhou Bo's side at that time. We thought he was dead too. Unexpectedly, it was just a substitute."

"So, you found the same jade pendant as mine on Zhou Bo's body?" He understood somewhat, but there were still many things he didn't understand.

Qi Rongyue said: "When I learned that the little prince of the Zhou Dynasty royal family disappeared five years ago, and saw Zhou Bo's jade pendant again, I thought of you. I guess you are the missing little prince of the Zhou Dynasty royal family. .”

"So you came to find me?" Zhou Bo raised his eyebrows, he didn't believe it was that simple.

"To be honest, I am doing something that concerns my own life and even the future fate of the Chu Dynasty. I need your help to accomplish this. Of course, under this premise, I will help you return to your original position first."

Zhou An frowned: "You are just a doctor and a weak woman in Rongyutang. Why do you want to get involved in these things? Isn't it good to live a relaxed and carefree life?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "It's not bad, it's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't, everyone has their own responsibilities when they are born, what I'm doing now is my responsibility, I have to do it, I have to do it. "

Her bright eyes focused on his eyes, and she said word by word: "Young master Zhou, you, like me, are destined not to be able to live an ordinary life. On our shoulders, we have responsibilities that we cannot shed , even if you can hide for a while, can you hide for a lifetime? You hid from the Zhou Dynasty to the Chu Dynasty. After so many years, have you lived a truly peaceful life? If you don’t seek revenge from them, they will let you go Are you? Can you really be sure that no one will bother you except Gong Liangjun?"

Zhou An's eyes were silent. He never forgot the past that he wanted to forget. He wanted to create a new world in the Chu Dynasty, but he still couldn't get real peace.

After being silent for a long time, he suddenly raised his eyes, looked at Qi Rongyue's bright and deep eyes, and said, "What do you want me to do?"

She let out a breath, and her hanging heart fell to the ground: "I will send someone to escort you back to the Zhou Dynasty. There are people from us at the border of Longxi, so you don't have to worry. After returning to the Zhou Dynasty and meeting the King of Zhou, I believe that you will not be able to make it through." How long will it take for King Zhou to pass on the throne to you? He has five sons. The eldest is obsessed with beauty and can't bear the heavy responsibility. The second is treacherous and has been out of favor for many years. The heir must be you, but before you take the throne, I need you to do one thing for me!"


On the day of leaving Wuyuan, Zhou An knocked on the door of Qi Rongyue's room, and it was Xue'er who opened the door.

"Master Zhou? Are you looking for Miss?" Xue'er asked.

Zhou An smiled and nodded, his figure was straight, as gentle as before.

(End of this chapter)

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