第468章 回周朝

Chapter 469

But Xueer can no longer regard him as Zhou An from before!

"Come in!" Xue'er turned sideways, and after he came in, she walked out by herself and closed the door.

Qi Rongyue was sitting at the table under the window reading a book, the golden sunlight fell on her head and face, making her already fair skin almost transparent.

She heard the sound of footsteps, she put down her book and glanced sideways, saw that it was Zhou An, smiled lightly and said, "You are here, sit down."

There is also a chair next to the desk, which Xueer used to sit on, but now Zhou An sat down.

He looked at her bright eyebrows and said, "Rong Yue, can I call you that?"

She smiled lightly and nodded: "Of course, we are friends."

"Rongyue, in another hour, I will set off to return to the Zhou Dynasty. I will definitely do what I promised you."

She nodded: "Thank you!"

"Before I go, I want to ask you something."

"You ask."

He seemed a little nervous, with his hands on his knees, his five fingers clutching his knees tightly, his knuckles turning white.

"If I become the King of Zhou, would you like to come to the Zhou Dynasty?"

She raised her eyebrows and turned to look at him. There was a faint blush on her handsome face. She looked at her with eager and slightly flustered eyes, and she couldn't hide her deep affection.

She sighed softly in her heart, amorous young people are always misled by ruthlessness.

She shook her head: "Young Master Zhou, I'm afraid I won't go to the Zhou Dynasty."

He was a little anxious: "Why?"

"If the big event fails, I'm afraid I won't survive. If the big event succeeds, I will marry Zhong Wen. I won't go anywhere, I will only stay by his side."

Zhongwen, Zheng Zhongwen, in front of his eyes, there was a heroic appearance of that man, it was him, it turned out to be him, he should have expected it a long time ago.

He smiled wryly and stood up: "I understand, Rong Yue, your big event will definitely come true, not only Zheng Zhongwen will help you, but I will also help you."

When he was in the most difficult time, it was she who extended a helping hand to him. When he was on the verge of life and death, it was she who saved his life. She gave him his life. Naturally, he will help her, no matter what she wants to do. , he will stand by her side.

Zhou An didn't have the heart to fight for hegemony before, but now, he has this heart, and he suddenly realized that the only way to protect the one he loves is to make himself strong and hold the power of life and death. , in order to be able to do what you want to do, love the person you want to love, and protect the person you want to protect.

Now he has nothing, what can he use to fight, to win, to love?
Standing in front of the window, she watched Zhou An's figure riding a horse gradually go away, and her tightly knit brows could not be relaxed. She faintly felt that Zhou An looked at her strangely when he left. She couldn't speak again.

Xue'er came in with tea, and said to Qi Rongyue, "Miss, why are you so dazed?"

She turned to look at Xue'er, smiled lightly and shook her head: "It's okay, I was thinking that it's time for us to return to Beijing."


"Miss, this Wuyuan County is really lively. We didn't notice it when we came back." The two walked on the busy and crowded streets of Wuyuan County, thinking of the desolate scene when they first came to Wuyuan, they were very moved.

This is the birthplace of Qi Rongyue's biological mother, Mo Runiang, and also the birthplace of Qi Rongyue. Before leaving, she wanted to visit this place to mourn the owner of her body and the dead soul of her biological mother.

"The Mo family is really unlucky. It's just such a precious eldest grandson. How can we not do it?"

"Why is it just an eldest grandson? Isn't the third aunt soon to give birth, maybe she is also a leader?"

"Can it be the same? This is the eldest grandson. Even if the third aunt's son is a child, he is also a concubine. Do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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