Chapter 470 Mo Dalang

Chapter 471

At this moment of stupefaction, Mo Dalang said to the housekeeper: "Go, let Rong Yue come in."

The housekeeper hurried over, and Xu came back to his senses, and said with a cold snort: "I want to see, what kind of extraordinary ability does Qi Rongyue have, even the famous doctors in the capital can't do anything about serious injuries, can she recover her youth?"

"Don't say a few words, no matter whether this child can cure our Xian'er or not, we should all thank her for her kindness. If she didn't have the heart, why would you come here to see your cold face?"

Xu said: "I think she is here to cheat money, and she asks for money for outpatient visits, so I don't believe she won't accept it!" Thinking of her downfall back then, she felt a burst of joy.

Mo Dalang said: "The heart of a woman, the virtue of a villain, do you know what Rong Yue's name is in Pengcheng?"

Xu raised her eyebrows: "What name?"

"Qi Qianjin, her doctor's consultation fee is considered as a thousand gold. Does she still have to come to our Mo family to ask for the money? Besides, the dowry that was like a mother back then is also in her hands. , the current her will not be inferior to our Mo family."

Although Mo's Mansion has always been the richest man in Wuyuan, but in these years of doing business, he has lost more and earned less, and his family fortune is no longer what it used to be. He didn't just say that out of nothing.

Xu's eyes lit up, and he quickly asked: "Is this true? She really got her mother's dowry? The Qi family is also willing?" She had met the old lady of the Qi family once, and that old woman was sinister and bitter. She will never forget the disdain in her eyes. With that old woman around, can she get back the dowry?
Mo Dalang was about to explain the matter clearly when the butler had already led people in.

Mo Dalang looked at the tall and beautiful girl in front of him, as if seeing the girl who had died for many years come back to life, his eyes were flushed with excitement, how long had he not seen Rong Yue?five years?Or six years?He couldn't remember clearly, he didn't fulfill his promise to his mother.

Mo Dalang opened his mouth and was about to call out Qi Rongyue's name, but Qi Rongyue spoke first: "Master Mo, Mrs. Mo."

He was stunned, she didn't call him uncle, but Master Mo?

He knew that she was blaming him, blaming him for not helping her when her life was difficult all these years, not even visiting her.

Xu stared at Qi Rongyue, yin and yang said strangely: "I heard that you are a doctor now?"

Qi Rongyue nodded: "Mrs. Mo, I came here for nothing else but for Mr. Ling's injury. I will heal his injury, and you will pay me a thousand taels of money for the consultation."

Xu's sharp eyes glanced at Mo Dalang, as if to say, take a look, I know she is here for money.

Mo Dalang showed embarrassment and embarrassment, he didn't say much, but said in a shy voice: "That's fine, that's fine, let's go, I'll take you to see Xian'er."

Mo Dalang turned around quickly, hiding the sadness in his eyes, he was clearly a close person, but he became so strange and alienated.

Mo Zixian lived in Qingxianju, not far from the upper room where Mo Dalang and Xu lived. Qingxianju was very quiet, and all the servants were frowning, and they didn't even have the mood to gossip.

If the master is gone, how can these servants still be good?Either assign it to another house, or sell it to sell the house, it's not a good place to go, can you not worry about it.

"Master is here." An elderly woman greeted him and said to Mo Dalang.

Mo Dalang asked: "How is Xian'er?"

The woman sighed, shook her head and said: "It's not very good, the medicine prescribed by the doctor, I vomited as soon as I drank it."

(End of this chapter)

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