Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 471 Xian'er Can Be Saved?

Chapter 471 Xian'er Can Be Saved?
Chapter 472

Mo Dalang entered in a hurry, and Xu Shi didn't care about hurting Qi Rongyue, so he walked in quickly with red eyes, and walked to his son's hospital bed. Seeing his son's skinny appearance, tears couldn't stop falling down.

Qi Rongyue stood in front of the two, politely said: "Master Mo, madam, let me have a look!"

After hearing this, Mo Dalang hurriedly stepped aside and pulled his wife aside.

"Look quickly, this child hasn't had any water or rice for several days, the doctor said, the doctor said--" Mo Dalang choked up and couldn't speak, the doctor said he should hurry up to prepare for his son's funeral. In this case, how could he Say it.

Qi Rongyue remained silent, and sat by the bed to look at Mo Zixian's face first. His complexion was very bad, his eye sockets were sunken, his breathing was weak, his brows were tightly furrowed, and there was a freshly scarred wound on his forehead. The bruises were still there, and a splint was wrapped around his arm outside the blanket.

She lifted the thin quilt, reached out and pressed his abdomen lightly. Seeing that Mo Zixian's already frowning brows were getting tighter, she moved her fingers down three inches, and pressed again.

"Ah!" Mo Zixian suddenly cried out in pain, and immediately opened his tightly closed eyes. After seeing the person in front of the bed, he passed out immediately.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" Mrs. Xu rushed forward, pushed Qi Rongyue away, sat down in front of the bed, grabbed her son's hand, and howled.

Qi Rongyue frowned, and said in a cold voice: "He's not dead yet, the people outside heard you crying like this, and said I cured him, get out of the way!"

How dare Mrs. Xu, she just wanted to drive her out with a broom.

Mo Dalang stepped forward and grabbed Xu Shi's arm, and pulled her away forcibly: "What are you doing? Rong Yue wants to see a doctor for Zi Xian, so of course he has to check his physical condition first, so he can't be blind."

Xu yelled: "When other doctors came to see her, they never saw such a mess like her. My son passed out from the pain."

Qi Rongyue said: "Then did the other doctors cure your son? They didn't hurt your son, but did they make your son better?"

Xu was tongue-tied and bit her lip to see her husband.

Mo Dalang said: "Long Yue, look, I believe you."

Qi Rongyue nodded, walked to Mo Zixian's bed again, and continued to check his physical condition. Not only was his arm broken, but his right thigh was also broken, and at least three chest ribs were broken. This is not a big problem. It will take a while to cultivate , will always grow well, the most serious injury, in the internal organs, his internal organs have suffered serious internal injuries.

She quickly untied Mo Zixian's clothes without looking back, "Xue'er, get the needle."

Xue'er hurriedly opened the medicine box, took out the needle pack, spread it out where the young lady could easily take it, and said to Mo Dalang and Xu Shi: "Master Mo, Mrs. Mo, my lady wants to give the young master an injection, so please go out Wait."

Xu quickly shook her head: "No, no, I will wait here, I don't want to go out!"

Xue'er said: "It's fine if you don't go out, but please keep quiet from now on. Miss's acupuncture can't be interrupted, and she can't be disturbed. Otherwise, it will affect the curative effect. I hope you can understand the pros and cons of it."

Mo Dalang hurriedly said: "Understand, understand, we will not say a word from now on, you just pretend that we don't exist."

When he was in Pengcheng, he had heard that Qi Rongyue was very good at acupuncture, and there was no cure for any disease that she had given acupuncture to.

These days, doctors have entered Mo's mansion like water, but no one dared to give Xianer an injection. Now that Rongyue is willing to give an injection, does that prove that Xianer can still be saved?

(End of this chapter)

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