Chapter 472
Chapter 473

Mo Dalang suddenly felt excited, he felt that his son was saved.

Mrs. Xu was also very nervous, holding on tightly to her husband's sleeve and refusing to let go, her mouth was tightly shut, and even the sound of her breathing was deliberately lightened, for fear that any sound would affect Qi Rongyue's acupuncture.

Although she was not forgiving, she also disliked Qi Rongyue in various ways, but right now she was giving needles, after all, it was related to her son's life, how dare she act recklessly.

Slender silver needles were pierced into Mo Zixian's chest and abdomen, and the slender and thin needles were beating on the chest and abdomen with the sound of soft breathing. Every tremor affected Mo Dalang and Mo Zixian. Xu's heart, the hearts of the two were clenched tightly, and they didn't even dare to blink their eyes.

I don't know how long it has passed, but they feel like a long time, a long time.

Qi Rongyue finally straightened her waist, she stabilized her figure, relieved the pain in her back, took a deep breath and then exhaled, then turned to look at Mo Dalang and Xu Shi.

Mo Dalang took a step forward and asked tremblingly, "How's it going?"

Qi Rongyue frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "I have temporarily stabilized his internal injuries, and will drink another dose of medicine later, as long as he can survive tonight and be alive tomorrow, there is hope."

Xu's eyes widened and said: "What does it mean to have hope? Can it be cured?"

Qi Rongyue nodded: "Yes, as long as he is still alive tomorrow morning, I can keep him alive."

Xu hurriedly said: "Why wait until tomorrow morning? If you are really capable, why don't you protect him from death now?"

Qi Rongyue's cold eyes swept towards Xu's: "I'm a doctor, not a god. I don't need to tell you how badly he was injured. I just gave him acupuncture to temporarily stabilize his injury and prevent him from getting hurt." The injury of the internal organs continues to deteriorate, and then take the medicine I prescribed, if he can withstand the effects of the medicine within six hours, he will be saved, and if he cannot bear it, he will prepare for his funeral."

Xu's legs softened when she heard the words, but fortunately, Mo Dalang beside her supported her. She looked at her lifeless son on the bed with desolate eyes, and choked up, "What do you mean by this? Is my son still alive?" Is there any help? Can't you give me an accurate word?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "No, I hope you can prepare for the worst, and I will also do my best."

Mrs. Xu wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Mo Dalang, he said: "Okay, Rong Yue said that she will do her best, and she will definitely do her best. We should believe in her, and we should also believe that auspicious people are blessed by God, Xianer You won't be willing to leave us like this, absolutely not!"

Xu has one son and three daughters. Her son is her lifeblood and the foundation of her long-term foothold in Mo's residence. She values ​​her life more than her own. If possible, she is even willing to exchange her life with him.

Six hours, whether it is long or short, is not short.

Since Qi Rongyue entered this room, she never went out again. She stayed by Mo Zixian's bed, observing his situation at any time, for fear that something sudden would happen, and she would not be able to find out and treat him in time. Save, she dare not walk away even one step.

After the medicine was poured, Mo Zixian vomited it out again, poured it again after vomiting it, poured it again and vomited it again, and after repeating this several times, he finally drank less than half a bowl, and Qi Rongyue stopped yelling.

Even Mrs. Xu, who wanted to find fault, couldn't say anything harsh after seeing Qi Rongyue's devotion to responsibility, so she ordered some delicate snacks to be delivered, and she accompanied Qi Rongyue to watch the night together. Although they didn't speak to each other and the room was eerily quiet, she no longer felt panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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