Chapter 473 Burns
Chapter 474

At the beginning of Yin Shi, there were still two hours before dawn. Mo Zixian had been sleeping in a drowsy state, never really awake, and he didn't even lift his eyelids. If Xu Shi didn't come to check his breath from time to time, he would It looked like a dead man.

Xue'er came in with a teapot, took a small cup from the table, brewed a cup of tea and handed it to Qi Rongyue: "Miss, have some."

Qi Rongyue glanced at Mo Zixian, turned around and took the teacup from Xueer. The tea was just brewed and still very hot. She gently scraped off the froth and did not drink it, but held it steadily. , said softly: "Go to sleep, you are not needed here."

Xue'er shook her head: "If you don't sleep, I won't sleep either!" She glanced at the bed/on the bed, and saw that Mo Zixian, who had been sleeping, suddenly moved, and her tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, staring round , the mouth was also opened wide, and there was a hoarse and rapid panting sound from the throat, as if it was in great pain.

Xue'er shouted: "Wake up, miss, Mr. Mo is awake."

When Xu Shi, who was lying on the table drowsily, heard Xueer's words, she rushed over and pushed Qi Rongyue away with one hand. She was caught off guard, and the teacup in Qi Rongyue's hand was knocked over by her, and the hot tea was splashed. On the back of Qi Rongyue's hand.

The porcelain cup fell to the ground and shattered to pieces.

Xue'er hurriedly grabbed Qi Rongyue's hand, and said in shock: "Miss, you are burned!" While speaking, she stared at Xu Shi again, if she hadn't panicked, the teacup in Miss' hand How could it be overturned?

Qi Rongyue frowned, resisting the pain in the back of her hand, and said softly: "I'm fine, you call someone to clean it up, don't cut your feet later."

Xue'er went, and she said to Xu Shi: "Get out of the way!"

Xu held her son's hand tightly and refused to let go. Seeing her son's appearance, her heart was about to break. Her father-in-law and mother-in-law both looked like this before they died, they were exactly the same, as if someone had strangled them He couldn't breathe, so he stared at his eyes and died.

Is her son dying too?
Qi Rongyue said: "If you don't let go, don't blame me for my lack of medical skills when your son dies!"

Only then did Xu realize that her father-in-law and mother-in-law didn't have Qi Rongyue by their side when they died, they were different after all!
She hastily let go of her son's hand, and took a step back hastily.

Before Qi Rongyue could say the word "be careful", Xu's foot stepped on the broken porcelain, and the excruciating pain made him almost fall down and sit down.

Fortunately, Qi Rongyue had quick eyes and quick hands, and reached out to support her, otherwise, the injury would not only be as simple as the sole of the foot.

At this time Xue'er and two maids came in, seeing this, they hurried forward to help Xu's away.

Qi Rongyue didn't care about the injury on the back of her hand, she turned around and sat down beside the bed, pinching Mo Zixian's wrist veins with her fingers, and withdrew her hand after a few breaths, without turning her head, she said, "Get the needle."

Xue'er hurriedly arranged the needle bag, helped her lift off the thin quilt covering Mo Zixian's body, and untied her clothes, revealing her thin and pale upper body.

The silver needles were pierced one by one, combined with acupressure and acupressure to unblock his meridian and Qi, and he didn't stop until his heart arteries gradually returned to normal.

"Miss, your hands are bleeding." Xue'er saw Mo Zixian's pale chest and abdomen were stained with blood. She knew that it was impossible to bleed from an injection, and thought of the injury on Miss's hand, so she took a look On Miss's hand, sure enough, at the knuckles of the fingers that were burned, the blisters burst due to the constant pressure on the kneading point just now, and traces of blood ooze on the delicate skin.

(End of this chapter)

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