Chapter 474
Chapter 475

She looked down at the back of her hand and shook her head: "I'm fine, there is medicine in the medicine box, you go and get it, just apply a little."

Xue'er hated Xu more and more, and glared at her viciously: "It's all your fault, if you hadn't just pushed Miss, she wouldn't have accidentally spilled the tea."

Mrs. Xu was also in great pain, and when Xueer yelled, she became angry: "Blame me? Why don't you blame yourself? Why don't you bring the freshly brewed tea?"

Xue'er put her hands on her waist, and said angrily: "You are ashamed to say, in the middle of the night, my lady is doing her best to treat your son's illness, you are good, you don't even have a cup of tea, and the night is cold, I miss you What about you? You——" Qi Rongyue interrupted Xue'er's words: "Xue'er, forget it, she was also injured, so it's even."

After hearing what the young lady said, Xue'er stopped talking, but still gouged out Xu Shi's eyes very unhappy.

Seeing that her son seemed to be much better, Mrs. Xu felt happy, so she stopped fussing with Xue'er.

After such a toss, Mo Zixian slept peacefully instead, and never woke up again. He was still asleep until dawn.

When Mo Dalang came, he saw that his son's chest was still rising and falling, and his face looked much better, so he hurriedly looked at Mrs. Xu.

Xu sat on the stool and shook her head, expressing that she didn't know the situation. She wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, afraid of hearing the answer she didn't want to hear, so she kept wasting herself like this.

Mo Dalang walked up to Qi Rongyue who had just given the medicine, and asked in a low voice, "Rongyue, Xianer, how is he?" He tried his best to keep calm, and he had already prepared the worst plan in his heart. , but after all, it is her own son, who has loved him for so many years, in the seemingly stable voice, there is a slight tremor, falling in Qi Rongyue's ears, which makes her feel a lot of intolerance.

She raised her eyes, looked at the tall and helpless man in front of her, and said softly: "Don't worry, he won't die, as long as he is raised properly, his life will definitely grow."

Hearing this, Mrs. Xu on the side immediately stood up from the stool, ignoring the pain in the soles of her feet, rushed to Qi Rongyue in three steps at a time, grabbed her arm, and asked loudly: "What did you say?" Is it true? Our Xianer, he really won't die?"

Xu's nails were very sharp, and Rong Yue's clothes were made of very thin material, just scratching them like this, the sharp nails were almost embedded in her flesh, and she frowned in pain.

"If I say I won't die, I won't die. Let go!" She didn't like Xu Shi, and she never concealed it. Xu Shi didn't like her either, and it was more superficial.

Seeing that Xu Shi still didn't let go, Xue'er slapped Xu Shi's arm, and said angrily: "It's not enough for you to burn the back of Miss's hand, are you going to scratch her with your claws now?"

Xue'er's strength was not small, she used all her strength, and Xu quickly withdrew her hand in pain.

When Mo Dalang heard this, most of the joy on his face faded away. He saw Qi Rongyue's hands wrapped in white gauze, and frowned, "What's the matter? Did you burn Rongyue?" His eyes were angry, and his voice was also cold. After three points, he stared at Xu with displeasure.

Xu's face was embarrassing, and she said coyly: "I didn't mean it, Xian'er didn't look well at the time, I was, I was too anxious!"

Xue'er said: "Humph—fortunately, you didn't do it on purpose, if you did it on purpose, I definitely won't be able to forgive you."

Mrs. Xu raised her eyes and glared at Xue'er, hating Xue'er, a sharp-mouthed girl, in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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