Chapter 475
Chapter 476

Qi Rongyue said softly: "Okay, I'm tired, go to rest first, the medicine has been boiled, feed him to drink on time, if he vomits, feed him again, at least half a bowl at a time, what's wrong Let someone call me again." She didn't want to see Xu Shi's face again, nor did she want to see the concern in Mo Dalang's eyes, she was afraid that she would soften her heart, after all, she and this Mo family had an unbroken blood relationship.

But she wanted to cut it off, so it was better to keep a distance.

Seeing Rongyue and Xue'er left the room, Mo Dalang yelled at Mrs. Xu: "Tell me, what happened? How did Rongyue hurt her hand?"

Xu had never seen such an angry Mo Dalang, and he felt a little apprehensive. He didn't dare to hide anything, and told the details of what happened two hours ago.

Mo Dalang felt very uncomfortable when he heard that, with tears in his eyes, he choked up and said: "Rong Yue is not easy, she has a family but can't go back, she has relatives but can't rely on her, she finally managed to make a living by herself. Tiandi, I could have ignored our family's affairs, but she came to the door in person, which—"

Mrs. Xu interrupted him: "She wants to earn our money, so why don't she come to the door in person?" Between the lines, there was contempt.

Mo Dalang roared: "You fart, if Rongyue wants money, does she need to come to our Mo family to earn it? Does she need the 1000 taels of silver? Use your brain to think about it."

After being yelled at by him, Xu's mind cleared up. Yes, she doesn't seem to be short of money. Didn't the Qi family return all the dowry to her?Then her property is really quite a lot, how could she go to Wuyuan for a mere 1000 taels of silver?
Mo Dalang sighed: "You are an invisible woman, you have a small belly, and you don't know good people. I really don't know what to say about you."

After thinking about it, Mrs. Xu still felt wrong: "Since she wanted to help us, why didn't she say so? There is a fee for consultation, but she said it herself."

Mo Dalang said: "Don't you understand? She doesn't want to embarrass us, how did we treat her? Now that she is doing us favors, isn't that a slap in the face? She just doesn't want to embarrass us, so that's why He deliberately said that he would charge a thousand taels of consultation fee."

Mo Dalang's words were like two scorching slaps on Xu's face. She saw Qi Rongyue's hard work last night. At that time, she didn't feel anything. It's all about being mindful, and it should be done.

Thinking about it now, she has invited so many doctors into the mansion, who can do what she does?
The husband and wife sat by the bed in a daze, silent for a moment, at this moment a girl pushed the door open and said to Mo Dalang: "Master, it's not good, a messenger who claimed to be from Kyoto led someone to break into our house. in the mansion."

Mo Dalang frowned: "The messenger from Kyoto? Who is it?"

The girl shook her head with a panicked expression on her face.

Mo Dalang got up: "I'll go and have a look!"

Xu was worried about her husband, who was always weak-hearted, and got up too: "I'll go too, Xiaoli, Xiaoping, take care of your son."

Mo Dalang couldn't agree with Xu Shi, so he had no choice but to obey her, and the husband and wife left the yard together and went to the front hall.

In the atrium of the front hall, a middle-aged man wearing a long blue silk shirt stood in the courtyard. Behind him, stood a dozen young men with long knives at their waists, all of them looked fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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