Chapter 478 Relationships
Chapter 479

Qi Rongyue shrugged: "What do you think? Do you think I will let someone like you do whatever they want in my grandmother's house?"

Zhao Yu looked at Qi Rongyue's eyes with a hint of fierceness, and said in a deep voice: "Don't think that if you treat King Lian's illness now, King Lian will treat you as a treasure. Up front, it’s not certain who will suffer.”

Qi Rongyue sneered: "At least I am useful to King Lian now. If your master is loyal enough, King Lian will not touch him, but you are different. You are at most a dog in front of King Lian." , kill a dog, I think he will not be lenient."

Although the words sound ugly, it is actually the same reason. Zhao Yu also understands in his heart that if this matter really gets to King Lian, he must be the one who suffers in the end.

Zhao Yu nodded, although he was dissatisfied, but he was helpless: "That's right, no matter how bad it is, Miss Qi still has the Yongping Hou Mansion as a backer, pugs like us are naturally incomparable to noble people like Miss Qi, I'll go, Can't I go?"

Zhao Yu glared at Qi Rongyue fiercely, and left Mo's residence with a wave of his hands.

Qi Rongyue saw that everyone had left, so she turned around, and went straight past Mo Dalang and his wife with Xueer, and returned on the way they came.

Mo Dalang hurriedly turned around and called her to stop: "Rong Yue—"

Qi Rongyue stopped in her tracks, but she didn't turn around or look back, she just said in a low voice, "You don't need to thank me, I just don't want the patient I worked so hard to save to be tortured to death again, Master Mo, Madam Mo, I don't have much time , leave early tomorrow morning, go and invite a more reliable doctor, I will explain to him the treatment plan."

After saying that, she started to walk, step by step seemed to be walking slowly, but disappeared in front of her eyes very quickly.

Mrs. Xu tugged on Mo Dalang's sleeve, and asked in a low voice, "Did you hear what Zhao Yu said just now?"

Mo Dalang frowned: "What are you talking about?"

Xu said: "Didn't he just say that Qi Rongyue's backer is not only King Lian, but also the Marquis of Yongping? Did I hear correctly?"

Mo Dalang nodded: "You heard me right!"

Xu's eyes shone brightly: "My dear, she is really good, not only entered Prince Lian's residence, but also let Prince Lian be her backer, even Yongping Hou's residence—"

Mo Dalang glared at her, and said displeasedly: "What are you talking about? Her achievements are all made by herself step by step. Why are you jealous? Does it have anything to do with you?"

Mrs. Xu chuckled: "I'm just asking, look at how majestic she is just now, it seems that her relationship with the Yongping Hou Mansion is not ordinary!"

Mo Dalang thought of something, and hurriedly said: "At the beginning, she came to our house to ask for a dowry list. I heard that the dowry later was obtained by Yongping Hou Shizi for her. Otherwise, how could she be a weak woman from Qi Yongchun? Take back such a large amount of property in your hands."

"So, is the relationship between her and Yongping Hou Shizi unusual?" Her eyes became brighter, as if she had already seen the bright future of the Mo family at a glance.

Mo Dalang has been married to her for many years, one look at her face, he could tell what she was thinking, he said immediately: "Put away your fancy intestines, just now Rong Yue called us Mrs. Mo, Mrs. Mo, didn't you hear? What does she mean by this, don't say you don't understand."

Mrs. Xu ignored Mo Dalang at all, and hummed: "What do you know? She just wants face. If I give her face, I won't believe it. My grand aunt has softened, and she can still be hard on me." coming?"

(End of this chapter)

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