Chapter 479
Chapter 480

Mo Dalang shook his head and sighed: "Your face is much thicker than the city wall. Back then, who made people freeze in the snow all night before letting them in, and let them leave without even drinking tea. This is what people do What? How about now? Seeing that he is so prosperous, and he is rushing to curry favor, you don’t want this face, but I want it!”

"What is a face? Can it be eaten or used? I did this for the sake of our Mo family, okay? Don't you think about it, our three daughters, the eldest daughter is married to a sesame official, and she is not well received by others." , the second daughter married a businessman, but went to her mother's house to ask for money every three days, and now Yu'er is left. I don't want us Yu'er to follow the old path of her two sisters, and we must find a good one for her no matter what. Family."

Mo Dalang couldn't persuade her, so he stopped talking nonsense, turned around and left.

"Where are you going?" Xu asked
Mo Dalang didn't even look back: "Go to the doctor, didn't you hear Rong Yue's words just now?"

Xu smiled and said: "Got it, go and come back quickly." She was in a good mood, with joy in the corners of her eyes and brows, as if her jade had already climbed the gate of the capital.


"Wake up, wake up, Xian'er is awake!" Xu yelled excitedly when she saw her husband leading a doctor carrying a medicine box into the door.

Mo Dalang was overjoyed, and rushed to Mo Zixian's bed in three steps at a time, and saw his son looking around with dazed eyes.

"Xian'er, you are awake. Do you know how father and mother are living these days?" Mo Dalang's eyes were moist, and his eyes were full of joy of regaining what was lost.

Xu said to Ping'er who was at the side: "Quick, hurry up and ask Miss Rongyue to come over."

Then Dr. Liu came to Mo Mansion two days ago and personally saw Mo Zixian's injury. He was also the one who asked Mo Dalang to prepare for the funeral. Only two days later, Mo Zixian's injury has improved. Dare to believe my eyes, I grabbed Mo Zixian's wrist, and the pulse signal was repeated again and again, but the result was the same. Although the pulse condition was still weak, it was out of danger, and there would be no more danger of life.

How is this going?

Seeing Dr. Liu's suspicious expression, Mo Dalang smiled: "Doctor Liu, to tell you the truth, my niece came to Mo's residence yesterday, gave Xian'er an injection, and gave her medicine. After a whole day and night, she finally let Xian'er go." Er'er saved her life, but she was anxious to return to the capital, so she asked me to invite you over, Xian'er's injury will need your attention in the future."

When Dr. Liu heard this, there was still something he didn't understand, so he nodded quickly: "I will definitely do my best." He couldn't wait to see this genius doctor, what kind of person is it, who can treat a dying man? People, in just one day and one night, they can rejuvenate.

Mo Zixian on the bed gradually regained his senses. He asked Xu who was in front of the bed, "Mother, where am I?" He only remembered that he was injured, and he couldn't remember what happened afterwards.

Xu smiled with red eyes: "Silly boy, don't you even recognize your own house? This is your room!"

Mo Zixian frowned: "This is Wuyuan? Isn't it Kyoto?"

Mrs. Xu nodded: "Of course it is Wuyuan. What about Kyoto? You are never allowed to go there again. You are my mother's lifeblood. If you are gone, how will my mother live?"

Mo Zixian's face was scorched: "Mother, where are the shops? How are those shops doing now?"

Mo Dalang turned around and walked to the bed, and said in a low voice: "Xian'er, don't worry about anything now, I've left Uncle Quan to take care of the business of the shop, you can just take care of your wounds."

(End of this chapter)

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