Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 480 Pengcheng's Cousin

Chapter 480 Pengcheng's Cousin

Chapter 481

Mo Zixian nodded, his handsome brows were tightly frowned, and his pale face was full of pain.

Can it be pain-free? Broken hands and legs, several broken ribs, and internal injuries. It’s a miracle that he didn’t die from the pain.

Qi Rongyue came soon, and she ignored Xu's obvious flattery, and went straight to Mo Zixian's bed and sat down. Seeing Mo Zixian looking at her curiously, she smiled lightly and said, "I'm doing this for you." Your injury doctor, I will press your wound now, if you feel pain, just say it, don’t bear it, I need to understand the actual situation.”

Mo Zixian saw that she looked familiar, but for a moment he couldn't remember who she was, and seeing that she had already lifted the quilt on him, he hurriedly shouted, "What are you doing?"

Xue'er leaned forward, spread the needle pack by the bed, and said with a smile: "Mr. Mo, my lady is a doctor, and she is treating your injury. Don't be nervous, just do as the lady tells you."

Mo Dalang also said: "Yes, Xian'er, you can wake up thanks to Rong Yue, don't worry, just do what Rong Yue said."

Mo Zixian's heart stabilized a lot, and he nodded to Qi Rongyue: "Okay, press it!"

Qi Rongyue stretched out her hand to press Mo Zixian's abdomen, and the pressure of her finger gradually became heavier. She carefully looked at Mo Zixian's facial expression, and saw that although the pain on his face was severe, it was not so painful that it was so painful that it was unbearable. to the point of enduring.

She withdrew her hand and said with a faint smile: "The recovery is okay, but you still can't be careless. The medicine must not be stopped. You can only get out of bed after resting in bed for at least a month. Be careful to keep warm. Don't catch a cold. Once you catch a cold and cough, Your inner wounds will be more and more difficult to heal, remember?"

Qi Rongyue's voice was low and soft, but very convincing. Mo Zixian nodded naturally: "I remember, thank you!"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "You don't have to thank me. I don't charge money when I practice medicine. A thousand taels of consultation fee can't be less." She saw a trace of disgust in Mo Zixian's clear eyes. Well, that's exactly what she wanted.

Qi Rongyue turned around, went to the desk in the room and sat down, writing down the prescriptions that Mo Zixian needed and the things that he needed to pay attention to every day, one by one, every detail, clearly The confession is on paper, if you just say it with your mouth, who knows if these people can remember, it would be a pity if the life that was finally saved was ruined in vain?
She said to Dr. Liu, "I'm going back to the capital tomorrow morning. This is Mr. Mo's treatment method. You can take a look at it first. If you feel something is wrong, you can discuss it with me while I'm still here. I will discuss it with you in the future." Please take care of Mr. Mo's injury."

Doctor Liu couldn't wait to receive the three-page manuscript from Qi Rongyue, which not only wrote three kinds of prescriptions to be taken at different times, but also drew a map of acupuncture points, indicating the specific acupuncture points that Mr. Mo needed. The position, not to mention that he is an old doctor, even if he is a novice doctor, there is no disease that cannot be cured according to this prescription!

Dr. Liu is not young, his granddaughter is only two years younger than Qi Rongyue, but he can't hold the airs of an elder in front of Qi Rongyue at this time, and he only has deep respect for her in his heart.

As a doctor, it should be like this!

Don't hide selfishness, don't give up, everything is the patient's life.

When Qi Rongyue and Dr. Liu went out to discuss medicine, there were only three members of Mo Dalang's family left in the room.

Mo Zixian asked Mo Dalang, "Father, is this Miss Qi Pengcheng's cousin?"

(End of this chapter)

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