Chapter 482 Rewards
Chapter 483

Qi Rongyue's medical skills are amazing, Chu Tianxin knew it a long time ago, and she was not surprised at all. Ever since she learned that Qi Rongyue was invited into the palace to see her father's illness, she knew that Qi Rongyue would definitely cure her father. She wasn't worried about Wang's leg.

"Father, since Miss Qi cured your illness, you have to reward her well!" She smiled strangely and tugged at Chu Lian's sleeve.

Chu Lian didn't understand his daughter's thoughts, and nodded to Chu Tianxin with a smile: "That's natural!"

He turned his head to Qi Rongyue and said: "Miss Qi, I said that as long as you can cure my leg disease, I will reward you heavily. Now tell me, what reward do you want?"

Qi Rongyue turned to Chu Lian and said: "My lord, it is a blessing for a woman to solve a problem for my lord, so how can I expect a reward?"

Chu Lian was waiting for her words, and said with a smile: "Since you refuse to ask for a reward, then I will make the decision for you."

Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows to look at him, and saw that his expression was strange and his heart was not in a good mood, what is this guy going to do?
Chu Lian smiled and said: "Miss Qi's medical skills are so exquisite, and she was born with a beautiful face and a dignified demeanor. Whoever can marry you is really a blessing for eight lifetimes. I heard that you are already this year, and you have reached the age to get married. Thank you." Gold rewards and jades seem vulgar, how about I give you a good marriage."

Qi Rongyue frowned slightly, thinking of Yin Yixuan who went to Jincheng to pick her up, the way he looked at her was so firm and determined to win, it seems that there must be some agreement between Yin Yixuan and Chu Lian.

Qi Rongyue said: "Thank you, Lord, for your trouble, but the girl already has a sweetheart, so I'm afraid she won't be able to accept the Lord's kindness."

How could Chu Lian not be aware of her sweetheart, the bold actions she and Zheng Zhongwen made at the city gate had already been heard in his ears, she is a beautiful woman, she is really a perfect match.

Unfortunately, he, Chu Lian, was not happy.

He didn't want her to marry his sweetheart, he just wanted to fulfill Yin Yixuan's infatuation.

Seeing Yin Yixuan, he seemed to see himself back then. At that time, he was suffering as much as Yin Yixuan now, and the woman he loved loved another man.

Didn't he just use all kinds of means to embrace the beauty, regardless of whether the life in the future is good or not, but at the very least, he got it, and this is the most important thing.

Therefore, he wanted to fulfill Yin Yixuan, and hoped that he could also get his beloved woman.

Chu Tianxin sneered and said: "Qi Rongyue, don't be shameless, my father carefully selected the marriage for you, if you say no, don't you?"

Sure enough, like a father, like a daughter, father and daughter are the same, hateful and ridiculous.

Qi Rongyue suppressed the anger surging in her heart, and said in a deep voice: "My lord, princess, I am in love with Zheng Zhongwen, the son of Marquis of Yongping, and we have already made a private decision for life. We have agreed that we will get married when he returns to Beijing." On that day, I hope the prince will be fulfilled."

Chu Lian waved his hands with a casual expression: "I have heard about you and Zheng Zhongwen, but I think you are not suitable. In contrast, I think Mr. Yin from the Marquis of Wenchang is more suitable for you."

Sure enough.

Qi Rongyue opened her mouth to refuse, but she saw Chu Lian waved her hand and said: "That's it, this king has sent someone to the Marquis of Wenchang's mansion to spread the word that they will get married in three days, and this king will send someone to prepare a wedding ceremony for you." A generous dowry, and personally be the witness of the two of you."

(End of this chapter)

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