Chapter 483 Marriage
Chapter 484

After Chu Lian finished speaking, he turned around, walked past Qi Rongyue, and went straight out of the study room, not giving Qi Rongyue a chance to say no.

After Chu Lian left, Chu Tianxin walked slowly to Qi Rongyue's side, smiling triumphantly: "Congratulations, Mr. Yin is the dream lover of many famous ladies in the capital, and now you have picked up such a big deal. You have to thank me very much, if I hadn't spoken well for you in front of my father, you—"

Qi Rongyue interrupted her, and said in a cold voice: "Thank you Princess for your kindness. If there is nothing else, I will go first."

Chu Tianxin hurriedly stopped Qi Rongyue who had already turned around, and said sharply: "Remember, after marrying Yin Yixuan, don't see King Jin again, not even once!"

Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows, looked at Chu Tianxin coldly, and suddenly felt that she was very pitiful, trying so hard to grasp a relationship, but couldn't grasp it no matter what.

"Then please tell the princess to King Jin, please don't appear in front of me, and leave!" She is very angry now, and the calmness she has been trying to maintain can't hold back, she must leave Prince Lian's mansion as soon as possible, otherwise she doesn't know what she will say next What, what to do.

Looking at the back of Qi Rongyue leaving in a hurry, Chu Tianxin's complexion was changing, with strong hatred in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and said, "If I can't get the heart of the man I love, you can't even imagine it."

"Miss, what's wrong with you?" On the way back to the residence, Xue'er couldn't help asking when she saw Qi Rongyue's expression was not right.

Qi Rongyue lifted the curtain of the carriage, glanced outside, then lowered the curtain and said, "Someone is following us."

Xueer's face was shocked: "Who is it?"

"The person sent by Chu Lian, he is probably afraid that I will run away from marriage!" She frowned, and had many ideas in her mind, but none of them worked. Mrs. Zheng Hou hasn't left the capital yet, and she can't let Zheng Hou Ye oppose Chu Lian because of her. This may be one of Chu Lian's reasons for forcing her to marry Yin Yixuan.

"Escape from marriage? Escape from what marriage?" Xue'er's complexion changed drastically, and she hurriedly shouted: "Could it be that Prince Lian wants to marry you into the palace?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "No, Chu Lian forced me to marry Yin Yixuan, and we got married in three days."

"What?" Xue'er's voice became louder and louder: "Well, what should I do?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "I don't have an idea yet, don't panic, let me think about it." She was very confused, she couldn't calm down at all, and couldn't think of a good idea.

Yin Yixuan absolutely cannot marry, but if she does not marry, how will she deal with this matter?Chu Lian had obviously made up his mind, even if Yin Yixuan said not to marry now, it would probably be useless.

When the carriage stopped, she just opened her eyes, the brilliance on her face was covered by a sad look.

"Miss, we are here, let's go down."

Xue'er got out of the carriage, turned around and pulled the young lady out with one hand.

"Rongyue, you're back." Yin Yixuan's warm and jade-like face was reflected in her eyes. He was very good-looking, and his eyes were full of affection, as if he could talk. An ordinary girl would be afraid to see him. If you see it, you will miss your life!

It's a pity that Qi Rongyue is not an ordinary girl, she is very disgusted with the face in front of her.

The brows that were already slightly furrowed tightened even more, she glanced at him lightly, got out of the car silently, walked straight past him, and walked into the yard.

Yin Yixuan was not annoyed at her indifference, and kept cheering himself up in his heart: it will be fine, it will be fine, when she becomes his wife, marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog, she will definitely be moved by him , and finally gave his heart to him.

(End of this chapter)

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