Chapter 490 Saying the Wrong Word

Chapter 491

The smoke rose and dispersed, and a farce ended like this. Xue'er was dumbfounded when she saw it: "Why doesn't this family just set up a stage to act? This acting is simply amazing!"

Qi Rongyue didn't answer, turned around and was admitted to the hospital without even looking at Yin Yixuan.

Xue'er also turned around, but was grabbed by Yin Yixuan: "Xue'er, did I say the wrong thing just now?"

Xue'er sighed, shook her head and said, "Young master Yin, if you are cruelly kicked out of the house by your parents, they will not even give you a way to survive, or even buy you murderers to kill you, you managed to survive, and one day you will be prosperous , your parents saw jealousy and came to ask for peace, would you be willing?"

Xue'er finally understood why the lady was unwilling to give Mr. Yin a chance from the beginning to the end. Miss Xu knew Mr. Yin's character from the very beginning.

Only then did Yin Yixuan remember what happened in Pengcheng back then, when Rong Yue was forced off the cliff by the killer hired by the Qi Mansion, she narrowly escaped death, and he himself almost lost his life, how could he have forgotten, how could he have forgotten?
He chased into the courtyard, and shouted to Qi Rongyue's slender back: "Rongyue, I just—"

Qi Rongyue turned around, her cold eyes fell on his anxious face: "You don't need to explain, I don't care, you go, I don't want to see you again."

Yin Yixuan strode forward, wanting to speak clearly with her face to face, but Xueer stopped him in the middle: "Young Master Yin, Miss said that she doesn't want to see you again, you should go!"

Yin Yixuan is tall, even though Xue'er is separated between the two, he can still look into Rongyue's eyes: "Rongyue, although I don't know what tricks you used to postpone the wedding date, but I won't give up. No matter how long, I can wait, we will get married in the end, we will definitely get married!"

"Really? We'll wait and see." She chuckled, with obvious mockery in her eyes, but she couldn't extinguish the fire in his heart.


Mobei Changlin
"Xiao Qi, come here." Zheng Zhongwen called out to Chu Tianqi who was huddled together with several guards to enjoy the fire.

Chu Tianqi got up quickly, walked quickly towards Zheng Zhongwen, and entered the tent with him.

"Here, this is for you, eat it quickly." Zheng Zhongwen handed a warm roasted sweet potato to Chu Tianqi's hand.

Chu Tianqi had never eaten this kind of food before, and he felt very delicious, so he asked, "What is this?"

"Baked sweet potato, try it." He didn't bake it very well, not as soft and soft as Rongyue, and the outside was still a little burnt.

Chu Tianqi was hungry for a long time, how could he hold back the smell, he tore it apart, and handed half of it to Zheng Zhongwen: "You eat too."

Zheng Zhongwen grinned: "Okay, let's eat together."

Although life is hard, they are all supported by a wave of beliefs. This kind of feeling is something they have never experienced before, and it is also something they have longed for before. There is joy in the bitterness.

"Brother Qi, our life will become more and more difficult after leaving this Mobei Changlin, can you persevere?" Zheng Zhongwen looked at the handsome young man in front of him, his eyes full of worry.

Chu Tianqi swallowed the last mouthful of sweet sweet potato, wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and said with a smile: "I don't feel bitter, with you here, even if I go up the mountain of swords or into the sea of ​​fire, I will never back down."

Zheng Zhongwen reached out and patted his shoulder again, nodded: "Okay, good job, you are indeed the younger brother of the eldest princess."

Ever since they entered Mobei territory, they started to take small paths, stay away from official roads, travel day and night, completely conceal their whereabouts, and prevent Chu Lian who is in the capital from getting their whereabouts.

(End of this chapter)

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