Chapter 491 Hate
Chapter 492

As a result, their food supply was completely cut off, and they had to rely on themselves for food, clothing, housing and transportation. The late autumn in Mobei was already very cold, and they wore all the clothes they brought, but it was still not enough to keep out the cold, and they had to eat clean food , can only temporarily hide in the long forest in Mobei, hunt continuously, store food, and then use the fur of the prey to make winter clothes to keep out the cold. It takes half a month to camp.

"I don't know how Rongyue is doing in the capital." Looking at the bonfire in the tent, a beautiful figure appeared faintly, smiling sweetly and shyly at him, and he closed his eyes, imagining her leaning on his arms like a little bird. It felt like it was the most wonderful moment of his day, the moment when he thought of her.

Chu Tianqi looked at the affectionate Zheng Zhongwen in front of him, and suddenly asked: "Brother Zhongwen, do you think that Sister Rongyue is very similar to Sister Huang?"

Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyebrows and said, "Why did you say that?"

Chu Tianqi shook his head: "I can't tell, it's just that I have this feeling. Every time I see her, I will regard her as the emperor's sister, not deliberately, but naturally, I will regard her as the emperor's sister. Brother Zhongwen, will you do the same?"

Zheng Zhongwen frowned, remembering that when he saw Rong Yue for the first time, he blurted out and called her the eldest princess, was it an illusion?Why did the same delusion appear on Tian Qi?

He sighed, and said with a smile: "You miss your imperial sister so much, Rong Yue and your imperial sister are senior sisters, they—" He suddenly stopped, remembering what Master Jian Yun said when he was in Jincheng, Rong Yue is The closed disciples she had accepted were good, but she had never taken her to Mount Laiwu, so how did Rong Yue meet the eldest princess?
What happened to the sisterly love she said?

"Brother Zhongwen, what's wrong with you?" Chu Tianqi asked.

Zheng Zhongwen returned to his senses, and said with a dry smile: "It's okay, I'm fine."

Chu Tianqi asked again: "Brother Zhongwen, you liked Sister Huang before, right?"

Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyebrows: "How do you know?"

Chu Tianqi smiled: "Have you forgotten, once you were drunk and ran wild in the Imperial Garden, and you were chanting the name of my imperial sister. I sent someone to take you back home. I know you like her." , but at that time the imperial sister was already engaged to Min Hengzhi, and she was not in the palace at that time, I never told anyone about it."

Zheng Zhongwen sighed, his eyes darkened: "Your imperial sister is a good girl."

Chu Tianqi closed his eyes, and the scene of Huang Jie being hacked and killed by Chu Lian's cronies emerged in his mind. It was cruel, bloody and heart-wrenching.

His fists were clenched very tightly, and the hatred in his chest burned his heart like a fierce fire.

He held his fist and straightened his fingers that were almost embedded in his palm: "Brother Qi, we will definitely find the Black Cavalry Army, and we will definitely avenge your sister Huang, don't worry!"

The curtain of the tent was lifted, and Mr. Wan rushed in anxiously, and said to Zheng Zhongwen, "Zhongwen, hurry up, follow me to see Jian Yun."

Zheng Zhongwen got up quickly: "What happened?"

"Jian Yun suddenly passed out, twitching all over her body, hurry up!" Mr. Wan panicked, grabbed Zheng Zhongwen's arm and ran out.

Jian Yun's eyes were closed, his teeth were clenched, and he fell on the straw mat in the tent, his face was gray and his body was twitching constantly.

Zheng Zhongwen hurried forward, picked Jian Yun up, and said to the flustered Mr. Wan: "Quick, there is medicine in her bag, bring it quickly."

Mr. Wan was so anxious that he couldn't find anything. Chu Tianqi took out a bag from a corner, which contained many bottles and cans, all of which were medicines, but he didn't know which bottle to take.

(End of this chapter)

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