Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 495 The Unbreakable Brown Candy

Chapter 495 The Unbreakable Brown Candy

Chapter 496

As soon as he opened his eyes, he shouted Chu Tianqi's name. Seeing him sitting in front of him, he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "It's good that you're fine."

Chu Tianqi choked up and said, "Brother Zhongwen, you are so stupid."

Zheng Zhongwen smiled: "Yeah, I'm stupid, and Rong Yue also said I was stupid, Brother Qi, remember, you can't be busy, absolutely not."

Chu Tianqi nodded, stretched out his hand to hold his hand, tears dripped down on the back of his hand: "You can't have something to do, absolutely not."

Zheng Zhongwen looked at him, and he also looked at Zheng Zhongwen. They looked at each other for a while, and the two burst out laughing.

Chu Tianqi raised his hand to wipe away the tears on his face, with a shy expression: "Brother Zhongwen, will you laugh at me?"

Zheng Zhongwen was puzzled: "Why are you laughing at you?"

"It's said that men bleed but don't shed tears, but I'm crying like a woman." He lowered his head in embarrassment.

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head and said with a smile: "Whoever talks nonsense, even if it's a man, he has to shout when he's hurt, and cry when he's sad. If you hold it all back, wouldn't it be too late?"

Chu Tianqi was amused by him, and said with a smile: "Brother Zhongwen is right, a real man should not stick to small details, and I will never ask such stupid questions again."

Zheng Zhongwen also smiled: "Brother Qi, don't blame yourself. If I were you, I would be the same as you, but remember, you bear the fate of your family and country on your shoulders. You can't die, even if all of us die , you can’t die either, Rongyue is still waiting for you in the capital, you must go back to see her, go back to see her alive and well.”

He nodded heavily: "I see, thank you Brother Zhongwen."

Mr. Wan came in from the outside, holding a steaming medicine bowl in his hand: "Take the medicine."

Looking at Zheng Zhongwen's appearance, he frowned and said, "It seems that I won't be able to buy a boat tomorrow."

Zheng Zhongwen swallowed the soup in his mouth, and said with a smile: "I'm not in the way, the matter of buying a boat cannot be delayed, tomorrow's plan will go ahead as usual."

Mr. Wan shook his head: "It's not up to you or me to decide. It's up to Jian Yun. If she says you can go, you can go. If she says you can't, you have to stay here."

"Of course I can go. Zhongwen is strong, but unlike you, you get sick when the wind blows. This kind of place is not suitable for you. You should go back to Jincheng to enjoy the blessings." It's like a piece of brown candy that can't be shaken off, wherever you go, there's nothing you can do about him.
Mr. Wan laughed dryly: "Hey, I just recovered from a serious illness. After a while, my body will be as strong as Zhongwen's. If you don't believe me, just wait and see."

Jian Yun ignored him, went straight to Zheng Zhongwen, checked his pulse, nodded and said: "The young man's body is in good condition. It's a miracle that he didn't hurt his internal organs after being slapped by such a strong big black bear." .”

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly asked: "Then can I go tomorrow?"

Jian Yun smiled lightly: "Of course you can go, but remember, don't use force with others for the time being. Although the internal organs are not seriously injured, there are still minor injuries. If you don't take good care of them, small things will become big things."

Zheng Zhongwen smiled and said: "I understand, I just bought a boat, I will never use force with others, don't worry."

Chu Tianqi hastily tugged at Zheng Zhongwen's sleeve, and gave him a wink.

Zheng Zhongwen understood, and smiled at Jian Yun: "Master, Brother Qi also wants to go see with us, let's take him with us tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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