Chapter 496 Prunes
Chapter 497

Jian Yun's eyes fell on Chu Tianqi's body, the sternness in his eyes softened instantly, and the smile on his lips gradually deepened: "Okay, let's go together, we should learn more about human relationships."

Chu Tianqi was very happy, his childishness was undoubtedly revealed.

Seeing him happy, Jian Yun is also happy. He is still a child, but he shoulders such a heavy responsibility and hatred, because he, like Tian Yu, was born as a royal, and he is destined to never live an ordinary life in this life. .

The next day, Zheng Zhongwen rested overnight, and he really got better, especially after taking the medicine Jian Yun gave him, the pain in his internal organs was obviously weakened, and he could walk and run freely, but he didn't dare to use force, as any effort could affect the internal organs. hurt.

They only brought four skilled cavalry guards with them, and a group of eight people, dressed in the clothes of ordinary civilians, left Mobei Changlin.

There are quite a few fishing villages living on the banks of the Huai River. They live by the water, and their rations for the four seasons have to come from the river. To them, fishing boats are as important as their lives.

They asked many fishermen, but no one was willing to sell their fishing boats. Fishing boats are an important tool for them to live here, and they need them every day.

Seeing their anxious faces, an old man who was mending nets by the river could not bear it, so he quietly gave them some advice: "Go to Mrs. Li's house at the east end of the village and ask her. Last month, her son and husband went out to fish. There was a storm accidentally, the boat capsized, and the man didn’t come back, so he only fished out a boat. Now that their family has no man, it’s useless to get a boat, you might as well ask, maybe they’ll sell it.”

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly thanked the old man, stuffed a piece of broken silver in the old man's hand, and led everyone away in a hurry.

Aunt Li's house at the east end of the village has a large yard, but the inside is empty and deserted, unlike other yards, which are full of dried fish.

Aunt Li was sitting in a daze in the yard, looking sluggish, while a young woman beside her was doing needlework, and a fat boy was lying on the small wooden bed next to the young woman, waving his white and tender hands like lotus joints.

Aunt Li glanced at the young woman, and sighed: "Meizi, what do you think our three mothers will do in the future?"

Meizi looked up at Aunt Li, and smiled wryly: "Mother, we have hands and feet, we will never be hungry, mother, don't worry, as long as I am here, our family will not fall down."

"Meizi, are you there, Meizi? Open the door quickly."

There was a rapid knock on the door outside the courtyard. Meizi frowned immediately when she heard the sound, and looked at Aunt Li.

Aunt Li was even more anxious, not knowing what to do.

The yelling outside became louder and louder, mixed with men's cursing.

She took a deep breath, went to the door and shouted: "Father, mother, I won't go with you, you should give up your mind."

The voice of the woman outside became more and more sharp: "What did you say? Don't you come with us? What are you doing here? Do you want to be a widow for the old Li's family for the rest of your life?"

Meizi said stubbornly: "I am also willing to be a widow for the rest of my life. Don't talk about it, go quickly, and pretend that you didn't give birth to my daughter."

The woman snorted coldly: "You said you didn't have a baby if you didn't have a baby? Didn't you crawl out of my belly? Could you grow so big without eating and drinking from me? Stop talking nonsense and open the door quickly."

Meizi shook her head: "Mother, I know you want me to marry that widower surnamed Niu. You even took the bride price, and now you just want to force me to fill in the house. Let me tell you, no way, I won't even die." Ken."

(End of this chapter)

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