Chapter 497
Chapter 498

Her husband's bones are still cold, and her child is just full term, how can she, how can she!
The man beside the woman yelled, "No way? What you say doesn't count. Hurry up and open the door for me, otherwise, I'll have someone demolish the house."

At this time, the child on the small wooden bed heard the ferocious cry and burst into tears. Aunt Li coaxed the child and looked at Meizi worriedly. Thinking of the situation at home, she finally said: "Meizi, go, You are still young, so there is no need to suffer this living crime like an old woman like me."

Meizi turned around, went to Aunt Li, took the child and hugged her in her arms, tears streaming down her face: "Mother, I won't leave, I can't bear you and the child, I won't leave even if I die." When she was not married into Li's family, Working as a cow and a horse in her natal family, there are endless jobs every day. The mother is lazy, the father is a gambler, and the family is poor, and often can't even eat enough. The younger sister grew up, and her parents were reluctant to marry her, and tried every means to push away those people who came to ask for marriage, and they dragged her off until she was 20 years old before letting her marry.

After marrying into the Li family, she realized what family affection and warmth are. Both her parents-in-law are honest people and treat her like a daughter-in-law. Although her husband doesn't like to talk, he loves her sincerely. She thought her happy life was finally At the beginning, but who would have expected that he would encounter such a difficult situation again.

There was a knock on the door from outside, and the sound became louder, and the child cried more and more.

Aunt Li turned pale, and said with trembling hands: "What are they doing!"

The gate of the courtyard was not very strong, and it could not withstand the desperate impact of several adults. It was quickly knocked open, and Mei Zi's father and Mei Zi's mother rushed in one after another. Behind them, there were cows from the neighboring village. big.

It’s not the first time Niu Da saw Meizi. He saw her when he passed by Meizi’s house before. At that time, Meizi was black and thin, wearing old clothes with patches. He didn’t pay much attention at that time. A lot, his body also appeared a lot plump, and he had a bit of femininity, his eyebrows and eyes were curved, and he felt happy.

As soon as Mei Ziniang entered the courtyard, she rushed to Meizi's side, and pushed Aunt Li away. Aunt Li was already weak, but she sat on the ground directly after being pushed, staring at her eyes and dizzy.

Mei Zi hugged the child to help her, but she was grabbed by Mei Ziniang, and she said angrily, "Why do you support me? I'm not dead. Everyone in the old Li's family is dead. Why don't you see her die? Take someone else's girl to accompany her." She is a widow, so she can do such immoral things, I'm sorry."

Meizi cried: "Who is wicked? Are there parents like you? The child's father's body is not yet cold, you, you sold me to others, thanks to you, you can do it."

There was a lot of noise when the door was knocked on before, and the neighbors all went out to look after hearing Meizi's words. They all pointed behind and scolded Meizi's parents for being unkind.

Meizi's parents have never been a shameless person, otherwise they would not have done such a thing. The neighbors pointed out that they didn't care at all. What they care about is the money in their pockets, just don't spit it out.

Without saying a word, Mei Ziniang pulled Meizi and was about to leave. Meizi refused, so she started pulling in the yard like this. Aunt Li regained her composure. She quickly got up and shouted to Mei Ziniang: "Speak up if you have something to say, don't hurt the child."

(End of this chapter)

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